Chapter 35 : Differences

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"Chanda, I need to talk to you. It's really very important!"

"Anika, I am at my workspace." Came her loud whisper from the other end. "What happened? Are you okay?"

"I - I kissed Baagad Billa!"

A soft chuckle was the response from the other side.

Anika frowned, readjusting the phone to her ear. "Why are you laughing?"

"It's been a while, you called me talk about your Baagad Billa. And when you did call, you're saying you kissed him."

"I did!" Anika stressed on the words. Why would she joke about something as grave as that?

"Now? I thought you and him..."

"I need to meet you." Anika panicked, not bothering to listen to what her friend was trying to say.

Chanda sighed. "Anika, I have work until seven. And if my manager finds out I am chit chatting instead of working, he's going to definitely put that on the reason to fire me."

"Fine, can you call back during your lunch break? I really need to talk about this."

Chanda giggled. "Okay. Will call you. And you, don't over think it. Everyone does what you did!"

Anika's mouth flew open at that. "With BILLU ji?"

"No, mad woman. With their respective partners. Anyways, I am ending the call. Talk to you later."

Anika took a deep breath. Everyone does that!

* * *

For Shivaay, it was a beautiful day. The weather was perfect. After three months , he was finally stepping into his office. Life seemed to be on the perfect track after a very long time.

Ever since Anika entered his life, she had managed to somehow throw him off the track. But now, she was the one who brought it right back on track. It was going to be a very long day, it was a Monday after all. But he was very happy. He smiled remembering the kiss. He was so doomed. If he kept smiling throughout the day, his employees would get something to gossip about.

He composed his face. His gaze going to his wrist watch to calculate how much more time until he saw Anika again.

* * *

Anika's day had gone by in a blur. At least after the morning kiss. She sat with the other women of the family in the living hall after she had returned from her studio. It was half an hour past seven and they were all looking at mandap designs. One particular picture brought a bitter memory to Anika's mind. It looked exactly like the one she had been forced to sit in. Somehow Gauri picked up that very design.

"How is this one?" She asked everyone, drawing their attention to the particular photo.

"It looks lovely," Saumya's mother commented.

"Omg, this looks exactly like the one that was at Shivaay Bhaiya's wedding." Priyanka exclaimed.

"Show me, show me!" An excited Pari said. "It's so beautiful." She gushed.

"Anika had--" Priyanka paused abruptly, as she was about to say that Anika had chosen it for Shivaay's wedding. A few awkward glances came Anika's way, she managed to smile. She glanced at the picture. She had never thought she'd be the one sitting in that very mandap getting married to Shivaay. Rather, would be forced to sit.

"Leave that, look at this one!" Pinky said quickly drawing everybody's attention. Anika felt awkward.

Anika didn't really feel bitter about it but she did feel sad. She was hardly paying attention to anything that they said, until Daadi came by.

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