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A few random facts about this book :

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A few random facts about this book :

(P.S. - That's my all time favorite Shivika gif😍)

• If my memory serves me right, I wrote the first chapter of this book around the same time I was writing Still Mine, my first book in 2018. Yep, took too long to finish this one. Guess, everything happens at a destined time after all.

• This book turned out to be completely opposite of what I had intended it to be. This was supposed to be an angsty book with both Shivaay and Anika being angry with a surging hate between them. ( I am totally glad that I went with the heart wrenching pain struck them versus angry hurting people.)

• The first chapter was published on 28th June 2018. Yep, you read that right.

• The original title was Married.

• The initial plan was to have Daksh come back to claim Anika, in the very early chapters. But then this was overrated, so Daksh got a permanent bye-bye.

• At one point in the story I was so confused about how to proceed that I had decided to have them divorce and separate,  followed by time leap. But then, I realized I have over used this concept and hence the 3 months break.

• Anika was supposed to be Yashraj's neighbor after the divorce and the plan was to make her the wedding planner for RiKara. Too cliche, I know. Which is why I changed everything and tried to think more practically. If I were to step in Anika's shoes, I would never ever want to plan a wedding again. Once bitten twice shy, right?

• There was supposed to be an angry-hurt- jealousy driven consummation scene - as per what was planned like years back, lol. But I think I have majorly matured to understand the characters more deeply. I am so glad that I left this book hanging after chapter 2 in 2018. If would have been just another FF otherwise.

• I was pretty sure from the time I resumed writing that I wouldn't make Shivaay do something unrealistic to win Anika's heart. Certainly not taking a bullet. It was supposed to be a natural transition that you wouldn't even realize that they've come so far. And I like to believe, it was more or less smooth transition like planned.

• Anika's past was to be explored more deeply,  she was supposed to have a dark family past. But I kept that aside to make Anika and Shivaay's relationship the center of the story. If I delved into Anika's past, the story would have gone off track. Hence, just Pari.

• Pari would be Anika's secret forever. Maybe sometime in their old age she tells Shivaay about her. 

• I am not sure if you all got the hints, but I did try to very very very subtly show that Omkara liked Anika. He backed off and friend zoned her because she was Shivaay's love and she was smitten by Shivaay. 🙈 

• I had planned to show Shivika's development during Rudra's wedding as in the ceremonies and stuff, but too overrated I guess. :p

• I did keep the way open to Shivaay's health, just in case I ran out of twists, but well, didn't really need to give that poor man a failing health. He deserves to be happy after all!

• Oh, and, there was a Vanvas planned too, with Shivaay's illegitimate issue. Again, too overrated?! :p

Okay, I would like to know your thoughts or takes on any of the above, that is, if you have any. 

I saw many requests for epilogue/bonus chapters. I am not sure what exactly would you like to see. Let me know, I will try to post by the time this book reached milestone of 20k votes. (Side.Note - I did think of the good old pregnancy epilogue,  but I don't know for some reason that is just not my thing.🤷‍♀️)

I am going to stay off spin-offs. I know RumYa and RiKara had potential here, even Pari-Sam-Prinku angle was good, but not happening. As for Yashraj, I like him, so I may in far future give him a story of his own. ;)


What are your favorite scenes?

Mine are :

• The Udaipur Hug after the stroll

• Anika sleeping on Shivaay's lap when he takes her to see the fields.

• I have to mention their kiss by the staircase. 🙈


What could have been better in this book?


Other Completed "Shivika" Books:

~ A Collection Of Shivika Tales 

~ Still Mine

~ Wooing His Wife

~ Kissing Away Insecurities 

~ Seven Days To Love (Shivika)

~ One-Shots Book

~ Loving Desires (OS Collection)

~ The Devil's Brewing Desires 


Thank You!

- for being with me throughout this journey.

- for encouraging me with you kind words

- for that every vote you hit!

Signing Off,


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