Chapter 12 : Stuck In a Maze

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Shivaay suddenly found the silence in the car growing uncomfortable. It was then that it struck him that he liked her loud voice chirping twenty four cross seven. He pressed the power button and turned on the radio. He noticed her glancing at him as he did so. "You can play whatever you like. Just turn this to find the channels." He raised his gaze to see her as he pointed to the knob. Her expression translated to disinterest. "It's connected to the internet, you can even browse and play your favorite stuff." He offered pressing another button. Her face still showed no trace of interest. Shivaay got more uncomfortable by the minute. Whatever song was blaring from the radio wasn't able to fill the void between them.

"You can sing too. I won't mind." Shivaay voiced his new thought.

 This time she turned her face fully in his direction. "What do you think I am? Your personal tape recorder?" She snapped glaring at him.

Shivaay couldn't contain his smile. Anika looked on astonished, as he smiled when she snapped. What had he eaten for breakfast today? She however tried not to seem curious. But, when his smile didn't wipe off his face. She gave in to her curiosity. 

"Why are you smiling?" She asked her face more than giving away that she was bothered. 

He glanced at her. "It feels like we've swapped roles. You're being unreasonably cranky." 

Anika's jaw dropped at that. She and cranky really? Had he even met himself when he was cranky? But wait, he said they swapped roles. That only meant he knew he was 'unreasonably cranky' all the time. "At least you agree you're unreasonably cranky all the time." She smirked. Shivaay couldn't be happier. He finally got her to give him an earful, perhaps a little less than that. But it was good progress. 

"Hey, I am not unreasonably cranky alright! But you are being unreasonably..."

"You've given me enough reason, Shivaay!" She didn't realize that she had just vocalized her thoughts. Their eyes met and she quickly turned away her face. She did not mean to say that aloud. Shivaay's momentarily happiness drained.

Yet, the remains were left behind. She called him by his name. She said Shivaay. However, the momentary happiness was perished by what she meant to say. His jaw tightened. Did she really come to hating him so much? Her aloofness was troubling him. If only he would've trusted her. Things would have been better.

 He gave that a second thought. Would things really be better? Would she really be beside him now? He glanced at her. His hand on it's own accord reached hers that was placed on her thigh. He held her hand securely. Her eyes quickly darted to rest on his eyes. After a brief moment he focused back on the road. His hand not leaving hers. 

She didn't pull back from his hold. His hold made her feel better. She should have pushed away his hand and freed her hand. But she did not. His hold gave her a strange security. She couldn't look in his direction again. In those fleeting seconds, she realized that her heart still thudded hard when he was around. Her body still welcomed his touch. Her soul felt peace when he was there. Her heart had started scaring her now. It wasn't supposed to feel that way for him. Not after everything he had done. But strangely it did. That scared her.

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