Chapter 41 : Worth Melting For

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Anika glanced at Shivaay as he brought the car to a halt outside the mansion. She was still very unsure about them. It felt so perfect suddenly, that it was hard to believe. She didn't know why, when or how, but she had forgiven him for whatever had happened. She had started feeling how she felt for him before the wedding. This time around the emotions were stronger. It was strange, really, she never knew when her heart changed when it came to him. Just like she still didn't know why she liked him so much out of everyone in the whole world. Why did his smile make her happy? Why did his wellbeing mattered to her more than anything else. 

Love, perhaps. 

He met her eyes and she quickly formed a smile instead of looking away. "Thank you!" 

He smiled and repeated, "thank you!" 

They chuckled a little breaking the interlock of their gazes.

"Anika," his voice got her attention and she looked at him. Her grinning lips settling back into a straight line. 

"There's one more thing that's been on the top of my mind. The application for divorce,"

Anika looked at him seriously, a fear gripped her. "What about it?"

"Do you want to withdraw it?"

Anika stared at him. Why did he ask that? Did he still have doubts? He was fidgeting with his wrist watch. It was uncharacteristic for him to do that. He had once told her fidgeting was a sign of low confidence. She had always seen him at the epitome of confidence, she wondered why he was under confident now. She took a deep breath and moved her hand to place over his. He looked at her intently.

"We should withdraw it, right?"

"Yeah, we should!" He responded, his tensed face easing out, which immediately made Anika curls her lips up.

"But let's not break it to the family yet," Anika said. She didn't know why she said that. 

"Why not?" He asked, curiously. Anika left him in no man's land. Neither here nor there.

"I don't know why I said that. It's just that..." she sighed. "I need some time, maybe."

"Fair enough."

"We should get going," she suggested.

Shivaay looked at her and then around, "yeah, we should get out." Anika turned to release the seatbelt and glanced back at him when he didn't move. 

"All okay?"

"Yeah," he said looking thoughtful. "Just that I missed this," having said that he leaned towards her, placing a kiss on her cheek.

Anika blushed, her eyelashes flickering. He smiled giving her hand a light squeeze. 

'I love you, Anika!' 

His words from the previous night rang in her ears. She leaned and quickly placed a kiss on his cheek. He looked pleasantly surprised and then happy. "Thank you!" He muttered and Anika's smile broadened. Why was he suddenly so adorable? Cute Billu Ji. 

Her gaze fell on his cheek. Maybe another peck? The other cheek, perhaps? She got out before she ended up giving in to the temptation of kissing his cheek one more time. 

Shivaay followed her close behind smiling to himself. "Anika," he called.

She glanced over her shoulder slowing down.

"Let's not be so normal next time,"

Anika chuckled, nodding. He grinned.

"Look at these blushing people!" Omkara remarked, amused. He stood with folded arms leaning agaisnt the door. It appeared such that he had been watching them for a few minutes.

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