Chapter 11 : Bygones & The Road Ahead

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"Tia please leave." Omkara spoke to her glancing at her while keeping Shivaay away from her. 

"I am sorry, Shivaay. I know I shouldn't have ran away like that. I should have confided in you. It was just the wedding jitters that messed with my head. I seriously didn't see my stupid action causing so much trouble. I mean you had to marry, Anika. That must have been a nightmare for you baby. I know. But we can still fix things..."

"Shut up Tia!" Shivaay raged. "One word more from your mouth and you.."

"Shivaay baby, your anger is understandable." Tia tried the waters again.

Shivaay got free from Omkara's hold and reached Tia. "Not a single word. I will forget that you,"

"Tia please leave. We have nothing to do with you!" Omkaar spoke reaching Shivaay, pulling him away. 

"Fine, you're angry. I get it. BUT I know you aren't happy.."

"ENOUGH TIA!" Pinky screamed this time. "We are very happy that the marriage didn't happen how it was supposed to. Good that you showed your real face before the marriage and not after it. If you can runaway on the wedding day I am even scared to think what kind of wife you would have made. I am glad that Shivaay had Anika. To be a wife, you need to be by your man in the darkest hours not just the spotlight and pomp. You were never there for my son. It was always Anika who was there for, Shivaay. Even before the marriage and after. The eldest daughter in law of this house is Anika and will always be Anika. Never show your face again." Pinky shouted angrily.

"What's wrong with you Pinky Mom, how can you accept a girl like Anika? She isn't even of the same..."

"Shut up Tia!" This time it was Omkara to cut her off. "Otherwise I am really not going to feel bad for what happens to you. You cannot get away after insulting an Oberoi. Anika is now an Oberoi. No disrespect against her will be tolerated."

"As for the how part of your question.." Pinky spoke glaring at the red haired lady. "With heart. Anika won our hearts. She won our respect. You wouldn't understand. I was only the stupid one to push you closer to Shivaay when I knew he didn't like you. Now, I am warning you Tia. Get out before I push you out just the way I was the one who brought into this house." 

Shivaay turned his head, in his mother's direction momentarily. She looked at him with apologetic eyes. It was true, his mother had led him to believing that Tia was perfect for him. Every time he had a doubt he would simply go with his mother's judgement. That's why he got so far. Because his mother approved Tia.

Tia walked out without another word. She had had enough insult taken only for her mother's sake. She wasn't dying to marry the blue eyed Oberoi anyway. A wave of relief washed her. She didn't have to marry another man. Maybe it was time to start things all over again with Dushyant, her secret husband. She no longer wanted to be in the rich environment. She would go anywhere he would take her. She didn't care what her mother wanted. She had done her part. Now she would no longer be her mother's pawn. She was out of the game for good.

"I am sorry, Shivaay!" Pinky muttered before walking away to her room. Shivaay stood their rooted with glazing eyes. Minutes later he followed her trail. He entered her room shutting the door. She looked up. "You didn't have to apologize mom. Being blind to the sort of person Tia was...was my mistake. I was only looking at company profits. It's entirely my fault." He spoke kneeling before her. 

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