Chapter 29 : Return Of The Husband

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Okay, so I don't know why a few of you're unhappy with last chapter. Maybe this chapter will change your view. Constructive criticism will always be welcome. Given that this may *probably* be my last Shivika Fanfiction I really hope you all enjoy reading this.

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Anika walked into the balcony with two cups of warm milk in her hand. "Here, you go. Anika special kesar and badaam milk!" She said with a smile offering Saumya one of the cups.

"Thank you, Didi!" Saumya said trying to put up a smile.

"What happened?" Anika asked sensing the sudden drop of happy mood. The four of them had a gala time, eating all the snacks and chatting. Pari and Prinku had retired to Prinku's room to sleep for the night while Anika had left for the kitchen to get some delicious flavored milk for herself and Saumya. 

"Nothing Didi. It just feels weird."

Lines of confusion drew on Anika's forehead. "What feels weird?" She asked.

"This entire wedding thing. Marriage is a huge responsibility. I just hope Rudra and I are doing the right thing. I don't want this marriage to ruin our friendship."

"And why do you think it will ruin your friendship?"

"I don't know. Rudra and I are very different. At times, I feel that he's only doing this because he promised to always be there for me. He lied to Aayi and Ajji for my sake. The same Rudra who wouldn't accept that I am his best friend in college, because he had a reputation to maintain not just accepted me but is also willing to marry me. Everyone knows it. I am just confused about why is he really doing this."

"Saumya," Anika said softly after taking a long sip of the milk. "Rudra may be crazy, immature and even irresponsible at times but he has a heart of gold. Maybe he values your friendship more than anything else, just doesn't verbalize it."

Saumya smiled, but her smile faded. What if Rudra came to know that she loved him from a long time? Would he be mad at her for that?

"You should talk to him," Anika added and Saumya looked at her blankly.

"About this," Anika said making her suggestion clear. "Saumya, marriage is a big step. I know a lot of things are complicated right now. Your mother and grandmother are under the impression that you two have been fooling around here and at college and they think it's best if you two are married. But you and Rudra know what the truth is."

Anika paused thoughtfully drinking from her cup. "And, as for Rudra, he sometimes needs someone to talk him through his feelings and give him a picture of where his actions and decisions are going to lead him to. You should do that for him." Anika said with a small smile.

If Shivaay was here, he would have already done that. She didn't know how much Rudra had told Shivaay or if Shivaay even knew about Rudra and Saumya's alliance. But if he had been around, maybe he would have figured out what was going wrong and correct it before it had serious consequences. 

There again, Shivaay!

She quickly finished her milk and walked into the room leaving Saumya to ponder over her situation. She hurried out of Saumya's room towards Shivaay's room to change for the night.

Anika slept with Saumya every night. She tried her best to keep herself out of his room. There were way too many memories that came rushing back when she was in that room. Everything about the room reminded her for him. 

Yet, every morning and every night she was in that room to take her clothes and use the washroom. For once she sat on the bed in complete silence. It was in the silence that she could hear her heart that still whispered his name. 

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