Chapter 39 : Unrestrained Heart

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Anika exchanged looks with Shivaay and Omkara. Something was definitely off. Sameer seemed like a nice guy. He was about five-eight height, with a lean athletic frame and dimpled smile. Dressed in denims and a blue checkered shirt he sat beside his mother speaking only when asked anything. 

His smile was more notable, when Priyanka and Prinku came to the hall. But the way he looked at Priyanka instead of Pari again and again had sprouted doubts in Anika's mind. One look at Shivaay and Omkara who stood beside her, on either side; she knew they also noticed it. 

"Does Priyanka know him?" Shivaay whispered and asked her.

"I don't think so," Anika said softly, looking at Priyanka who was fidgeting with the end of her duppata as usual. Priyanka was always nervous around strangers. However, if she knew people she was with she was noticeably relaxed.

"Omkara, do you have any idea?" Anika asked softly.

"As clueless as you. Priyanka would have mentioned if she knew him."

"I think he's mistaken Priyanka for Pari." Anika pointed out.

"I was thinking the same. He was picking up the fallen tissue when mom introduced them both." Shivaay added.

"Wow, you two are getting on the same page,  huh!" Omkara remarked, concealing his amusement while Daadi spoke to Senior Shergill about Pari's family.

Anika tensed up that. Did Omkara see them by the staircase, kissing? She felt Shivaay's hand hold hers. She looked at him through the corner of her eyes. He mouthed, "relax", giving her hand a reassuring light squeeze. 

Shivaay then slipped his arm behind Anika towards Omkara, to give Omkara a whack. Anika smiled becoming aware of what Shivaay was doing and quickly wore a straight face. 

When Daadi suggested that Pari and Sameer talk in private, Shivaay quickly slipped away. Anika stared at his retreating figure and then at Sameer whose face displayed a momentary shock when Pari got up. 

"Did you notice that, Anika?" Omkara asked whispering.

"Yeah, I did. We were right."

Sameer got to his feet and smiled at Pari. His glance then fell on Priyanka. "Umm, your duppata." He pointed. 

Priyanka nervously noticed the end of her duppata that was on the floor. "Sorry!" She apologized nervously. Omkara who stood behind the sofa where Priyanka sat, gently placed a palm on Priyanka's shoulder. She smiled hesitantly,mumbling a thank you to Sameer who walked past her with a brief nod and smile. She turned to glance at Omkara.

"You okay?"

"Yeah," she managed a smile.

Anika quickly leaned and whispered into Priyanka's ears, "do you know Samer from before?"

"No," she answered looking at her with a frown. "Why?" 

Anika glanced at Omkara, "just asked." Her doubt was confirmed.

* * *

After a few minutes passed, Anika slipped away when the talks shifted to Saumya and Rudra's wedding, and Saumya's mother and grandmother joined the conversation.

With hurried steps she reached the garden where Sameer and Pari were supposed to be. She found Shivaay standing beside the open window.

She tapped his shoulder and he turned around sharply. "I was just--" he raised his phone. "You!"he muttered relaxed.

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