Chapter 37 : Comfortable Discomfort

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Anika walked into the room after dinner, thinking about Pari. Were they doing the right thing? Like always, her heart wanted to blindly trust Shivaay's discounting in the matter, but what if he made a wrong decision. It was Pari who would have to pay the price. 

Perhaps, this is where she lacked. She had told Shivaay she wanted to give them a chance but was she doing that sincerely. There couldn't be room for doubts between husband wife, could there? 

"What's on your mind?" She heard his voice. She turned to the side to find him standing close.

"Nothing!" She lied, nervously.

He smiled in response, and brought his face closer to her, "You can't lie to me."

Anika stretched her neck, shifting her face away from his. "I can." She said absentmindedly, her gaze lowering to his lips.

The corner of his lip lifted in amusement. "Really?" He asked, his sharp eyes noticing how her gaze lowered to his lips and then met his eyes, while her lips parted. His mind did a victory dance reading through her not so subtle gesture. It meant Anika felt it too, the magnetic attraction between them. This was definitely some progress.

He couldn't take his eyes off her. He inched his face closer to her cheek, his left hand gliding up her arm, steadily. His right hand brushed against her left cheek, his fingers pushing behind her hair while his thumb hovered upon her cheek.

"Shivaay," Anika she rasped. Every time he got so close, she felt as light-headed as though she was floating into space. 

Shivaay loved how his name sounded from her. He gently pressed his lips against her soft cheek. He felt her go rigid immediately and hold her breath. The way this woman reacted sent his mind thinking about wilder things. How would she react then?

"Why are you so tensed?" He murmured against her cheek.

Anika was trying to calm her fluttering heart. This was normal. She let out the breath she was holding. His moist breath that fanned her cheek, seemed to be the source of warmth on her cheeks.

"Anika?" He murmured, threading his fingers through her hair, letting his lips move downward against her cheek.

Anika shut her eyes. The sensations that rocked her were too much for her to take. Her right hand reached out to grab his shirt. 

Shivaay was surprised when she grasped his shirt. His eyes lowered to her hand and then back at her. She was tilting her head away giving access to her neck. He smiled at her confused body's reaction. He tilted his face kissing her neck. 

"Shivaay!" She gasped and turned her body to face his completely and pressed her face against his chest. He forehead aligned at his collarbone. Shivaay had to tilt his head backward to make sure his chin didn't hurt her head. He could feel both her hands that had grasped his shirt at the waist. 

He smiled, slowly wrapping his arms around her. Anika smiled, she could feel his smile, she didn't have to look to know he was smiling widely. 

After seconds rolled by, the hug began to feel awkward. Anika released the fabric of his shirt that she had cling on to, opened her eyes, slowly tried to move back. His arms were still firmly around her, which resulted only in distance between their upper bodies, their faces aligning.

Anika blushed under his gaze, taking a quick note of his lips. The will he-won't he loop running in her mind.

Shivaay still had his left arm around her, while his right hand cradled her face and brought it close to his. "Easy, okay?" He whispered before taking her lower lips between his. 

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