Chapter 7 : Past Comes Knocking In

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Anika sat smiling at the photograph. She currently held the only album of photographs she had. It had pictures of Saahil and her. A while ago she had spoken to him. He seemed happy to be in the boarding school. He thought that she was happy with Shivaay. He was teasing her saying that he always knew she'd end up with him, The Baagad Billa. Anika didn't have the courage to reveal the truth to him. He was happy and that was all that mattered. 

Shivaay entered his room closing and locking the door. Anika looked up,immediately shutting the album. He momentarily gazed at the album and then met her eyes. "I, Umm..need to talk." He said, his continuously wavering gaze gave away his discomfort. 

Anika got up from the sofa and walked away, muttering "I don't want to."

Shivaay's sapphire blue eyes followed her. "Anika, just hear me out." He spoke while she went about keeping the album in the closet where she kept her things. He followed her. 

"Mr.Oberoi, there's no point talking. You don't trust me. Then why talk?" 

Shivaay let out a sigh, "why do you have to be so difficult?" He asked standing in her way. 

"Like you're not." She muttered trying to get past him. Shivaay held her wrist gritting his teeth. 

"Leave my hand." She reprimanded not turning. He tugged at her hand, turning around. It resulted in her body colliding with his. 

"I came to apologize." He said looking at her squarely. "I ...I shouldn't have..staged Saahil's kidnapping. I am sorry." 

Anika' struggle ceased. "This is how you apologize?" She scoffed.

"I am trying." He muttered, she drifted her gaze to his face observing his tightened jaw. 

"Try harder, maybe?" She mocked. "Staged? Staged the kidnapping? Seriously, Mr.Oberoi? Leave my hand, let me go. You don't force an apology on someone. You have to earn it. Of course you know only how to blow up cars, blackmail and force people."

Shivaay didn't let his grip loosen. Her words scraped his ego and guilt oozed out. "I staged it. I wouldn't hurt your brother. He is a kid Anika. I wouldn't do that." What did she think he was?

"There were many things I thought you wouldn't do. You proved me wrong, gloriously." She uttered trying to free her hand from his hold. His hold got firmer and he pulled her closer. His eyes looking into hers. He missed looking into them. He released his hold when he noticed her wince. She shot him a glare and was about to hurl a retort when the door knocked. Shivaay straightened his coat and walked past her to the door. "Sir, Agent Yash is waiting down in the hall. He wishes to see you." The servant informed and left. Shivaay exhaled sharply. This Agent was beginning to bug him a lot. He looked over his shoulder glancing at her and without a word proceeded to go downstairs, while calling his lawyer.

* * *

"Agent Yash, I believe me and my family have cooperated enough with the authorities to help in the Gaytri Murder case. It's pointless going through it all over again. You can refer to the police records for the statements." Shivaay spoke, a cold businessman aura radiating from him.

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