Chapter 20

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As we drive home, I can't help but imagine the image of Kai and Jenna. He definitely kissed her back. The thought of him leaving me for Jenna treads through my mind. I don’t want to tell Kai about this. I would prefer to just let the thought stay in my head, and pretend like nothing happened.

“We’re home!” Kai yells to his parents.

“Kai, can you come here for a minute?” His dad returns.

“Come with me.”

“What?” I ask.

“They won’t yell at me if you are with me.” Kai pleaded with me.

“Fine.” I say. We walked to the kitchen.

“The school called today.”His mom says flipping through the mail. “Said you didn’t go to any of your afternoon classes. Maybe you could tell me what happened?”

“I have a very legitimate excuse.” Kai says. “Araceli and I had a rather personal matter to attend to. And I would rather not discuss it at this point in time.” Whenever Kai is trying to get out of something, he uses very well constructed sentences that gives very vague information.

“I’m afraid that will not be enough, son.” His dad says. Kai sighs and squeezes my hand lightly.

“Dad,  I really don’t want to talk about it. I have had a really bad day and I would just like to lay in my room with my girlfriend.” Kai says.

“Is everything okay?” His mom asked concern waving through her voice.

“Everything is fine.” Kai says pulling me out of the kitchen and leaving before anymore questions can be asked. We head upstairs to his room. “ Everything is not fine.” He said as we got into his room.

“What do you mean?” I ask.

“I know you’re pissed at me. I can see it when you look at me.”

“What did she say to you? Or better yet, what did you say to her?”

“Seriously?” Kai sighs. “Why do you even care?”

“I want to know what she could have possibly said to you that made you kiss her back? Or what could she have said that made you act all warm fuzzy to her? That girl has ruined my life for years,Kai! And we start that stupid bet and you talk to every freaking girl at the school!” I yell at him.

“Araceli! How do you think I feel all the damn time!” Kai yells back, clearly frustrated. “I have been here for you for years, but all you seem to care about is Dylan. All you have done this year is tell me how much you love the new english teacher, and lo and behold he loves you too! But not like a normal love for his student, no that would be way too easy for us. We get into a fight, and you run to Mr. Legusy, oh let’s not forget the fact that you still hung around him after he kissed you!”

“I had to hang out with him Kai! He was my teacher! Don't act like I knew both of them were in love with me my whole life. The minute I found out what did I do? I went and I told you. Those situations are different than this. Mr. Legusy was my teacher and Dylan was my best friend. You made out with a person that absolutely hates me and everything I stand for. A person who had convinced me that no one will ever love and told me I would be better off dead. So, I’m going to ask you again. What did she say to you?”

“You want to know what she said? Kai says immensely frustrated. “She asked me about homework for drama class. The only reason I was talking to her was to see if I could get my mind off you! Every second I thought about you. I wanted to run up and kiss you whenever I saw you. But I didn’t want to lose that stupid bet. So I kept talking to her. She asked me to help her memorize some lines for this play we are doing. The next thing I knew we were kissing.” Kai explains to me. I sit in silence for a good minute and a half trying to process things before Kai speaks again.

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