Chapter 21

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Kai and I both stay home from school the next two days. I left the engagement ring on the kitchen counter. We haven’t said anything to each other. Kai’s parents must have found out through Kai or just have guessed because they have been splitting up and talking to us in shifts. Wendy came and talked to me first when they came home.

“Are you okay honey?” She came in my room.

“No, actually, but thank you.”

“I know what you are going through. When David and I were dating we grew apart for a little bit. But look how we turned out! Everything will end up okay.”

“Thank you.” I give her a weak smile.

“Just in case you were wondering, you are still welcome here. You always will be.” She hugs me.

“Thanks. For everything. You are an amazing person.”

“You’re welcome honey. You are, too, never forget that.”

I feel sick all the time. I’m not hungry. I can't sleep. I constantly think about harming myself. But I don't. I remind myself of what I said I needed to do. I need to be fixed. That’s what I said. Step one is resisting the urge. If I ever want to do anything I need to do this for myself. Day two of staying in bed all day, David comes in.

“How’s my favorite daughter?” He says sitting on my bed.

“Slowly healing.” I smile.

“I know it’s none of my business, but what happened between you two? The only thing I can get out of Kai is him turning the music up.” Now that he mentions it, I notice there has been faint rock music floating throughout the house.

“We both did things we shouldn’t have. We were causing a greater destruction than we thought and we both need time to forgive ourselves, each other, and time to fix ourselves.” I explain. This is the most I have said about our break up since it has happened.

“Obviously, something big happened. But, you need to know, Kai loves you. A lot. And I know you love him a lot. I also know it’s killing both of you to be apart. I don't believe this is supposed to be just some high school relationship. I know deep down you believe that too. But that doesn’t mean that breaking up wasn't the right move. If you guys are having problems, then I am proud of you both for being mature and deciding that taking a break was a good decision.” He smiles at me. “This will all work out in the end and you will look back at it realize how silly this all was.”

“Thank you. You and Wendy have been really understanding. I couldn’t ask for better treatment.”

“Well we are your parents! Now come on. If you stay in this bed, you won't be able to walk. Let’s get you something to eat.”

“Alright.” I stand up weakly. He puts his arm over my shoulder as we head to the kitchen.

“Well look who decided to join us!” Wendy says once we enter the doorway. “How did you manage to get her out of there?” I hear her whisper to David.

“Well, you know. Good old fashioned persuasion.” He says. I smile. They are so happy. As I am sitting at the counter, I feel an ache in my heart, but I don't know why. Then, as if I’m psychic, Kai comes into the Kitchen. David and Wendy have a panicked look. We haven’t been in the same room in almost three days.

“I thought you were at school.” He explains himself quietly.

“It’s alright. We can occupy the same space. I didn’t go today because I have therapy later and I really didn’t want to go to school anyway.” I say not looking up.

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