Chapter 3

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“What was with you earlier?” Kai asks coming up behind me.

“What?” I say panicking a little.

“You. This morning. you were acting weird. You still are acting weird. What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. Lets just get to class.” I say still mad at him. But, I want to get as far as possible from Mr. Legusy’s room. Even if it includes laughter and odd stares from kids. I’m used to it by now so I don’t even notice them. I was confused as I walked down the hall, because I saw giddy girls laughing and being all excited.

“ What’s up with them?” I say as I pull Kai through.

“Prom was announced to be this Friday.”


“You don’t want to go?”

“Is that a trick question?” I say, “ I don’t own a dress, nor will I ever own one,  I hate dances, everyone who goes to them. Do you need anymore examples?”

“Well, someone is loathsome today.” He laughs.

“I just don’t like dances. That’s all.” I say as we enter French. Hopefully, this time I won’t walk away.

I sit down and try to replay what I remember of what just happened. How did it come to this? A twenty-four year old, falling in love with a seventeen year old senior girl? A girl that has a boyfriend who loves her. Who loves him. I just don’t understand it. I’m pretty sure that he knows this, but it’s illegal! Why would he risk everything, to try and be with me?

“Are you sure you are okay?” Kai breaks my train of thought.

“Yeah i’m fine. Nothing to worry about.” I lie.

“you can tell me anything.” He smiles. But you don't feel that way about me apparently. And I can’t tell you this without the whole school blowing up. If he was in my situation, he wouldn’t tell me. I wouldn’t be able to handle either. But now is not the time to worry about this. Right now I have to worry about french terms and the history of the french language. I would rather think about that than a man in love with a child.

The French teacher, ironically named Mrs. Sanchez, begins class without the bell to begin class.

“Bonjour.” She begins the same way she does everyday.

“Bonjour.” The class repeats.

“Comment allez-vous aujourd'hui?” She says, meaning, how are you today? She scans the classroom to pick on a few kids who look like they haven’t been studying. She is mostly right, and they answer with ridiculous answers, or don’t know how to answer at all.

Besides the pop quiz, class was uneventful. I look at Kai during most of class to see if he knows something. he doesn't seem to, but apparently he hides a lot of thing so I don’t know for sure.

Class seemed to be a lot longer than Mr. Legusy’s. I guess time flies when you are having “fun.” No one has said anything to me for all day. I like it. But I don’t think it will last very long. I guess someone giving me a broken nose is good enough for a day or two. But, I will take advantage of it while I  have it. It’s been kind of a good day besides Kai. No physical damage at least. But I will be prepared if something happens, because it’s only second period, so one can only hope this day stay good. I have to go through eight more, including lunch. Who knows what monsters can do in a short period of time.

After French, I have Chemistry with Kayla, so I think about how I’m going to tell her.

“Kayla, do you think you could come over today?” I ask her. “I have to tell you something really important.”

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