Chapter 17

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“Look! She’s here!”

“I can’t believe she came.”

“I’m surprised she’s not under suicide watch.” I hear people whisper as I walk in. This is horrible. I turn to Kai.

“I want to go home.”

“You have to go through with this.” He tells me. “You are perfectly fine. Just ignore them.”

“Wait until Jenna gets a hold of her.”

“I feel terrible. This is my fault.”

“I could have helped.”

“She can’t even kill herself correctly, can she?” The very distinct voice of Jenna breaks through the soft whispers of everyone else. I speed walk through the cafeteria keeping my head down and my steps short. I really wish Mr. Legusy was here. I could go up to his room and hang out and not worry about Jenna. But, that is no longer an option. I have Kai, and I will be fine, right?

We don’t even have to sit down, because the bell rings and that dismisses us.Thank lord. Hopefully the day goes like this, too.


No one says anything, to my face at least. The day runs by smoothly. I think everyone feels guilty. I get pity stares and hear grief whispers. Everyone stares, but it’s not how they normally would have. They are staring in fascination and confusion instead of hatred. The atmosphere is heavy and I see some people crying.

“This is all my fault.” I tell Kai as we walk back to his car.

“What?” He looks at me.

“This is all my fault.” I repeat.

“I heard you I just don't know what you are referring to.”

“Everything. The stares, people crying. It’s all my fault.” I say with my head down.

“Are you serious right now? The people who have bullied you, drove you to do this, and you feel bad for them?” Kai says as we buckle up in his car.

“Yeah. Look at the pain I have caused.” I say calmly. We pull up to my drive way and Kai stops the car. He looks up and sighs. I look over at him, and within a split second, he kisses me.

“That’s why I love you. No matter what happens, you still care about everyone else before you. Promise me you won't worry about it.” Kai says and sticks his pinky out.

“Is this just a way for you to get another kiss?”

“Maybe. Com’on I’m not going to leave my hand here forever.” I place my pinky around his and kiss him. I get out of the car and walk up to my house. “You know, I wouldn't mind if you changed into some shorts again.”

“Well just because you said something…” I turn around and wait for him to get close to me. I get on my tip toes and whisper in his ear “I won't.” And I turn around and walked inside.

“I imagine pretty please won't work?”

“Nope. Come on. Follow me.” I yell as I run upstairs. I walk into my room, (Which is quite clean.) and get into my closet to find my suitcase.

“What are we doing?”

“Packing!” I say excitedly.

“Aw man, I can’t believe you dragged me into this.”

“You can pick out my clothes…” I try to bribe him. As much as I hate to admit it, Kai has a better sense of style than I do. He loves to pick out my clothes.

“Ugh, fine.”He says throwing his head back in frustration as he walks to my closet. “You never wear any of these! You have some really cute tops!” Did my boyfriend just say ‘tops?’ Oh. My God.

“Did you really just say that?”

“What? It’s what they’re called.”

“Whatever. What should I pack?”

“Um, your writing, your art stuff, anything you will miss for the time.” Kai suggests. I grab my new binder, my easel, and my art bag, (All courtesy of Kayla, she got it for my birthday.) and put it in the packing corner. I grabbed all my make up, my micro mirror, shampoo, conditioner, brush, straightener, curler, toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash, hair ties and headbands, and all the other necessities. Once I was done I ended up with three bags and two suitcases.

“Okay! All done!” I yell clapping my hands together.

“I don't think I can wait until Wednesday. Can you come tomorrow?”

“No! I don't want to come any earlier and be a burden.”

“Can we move your stuff in now, then?”

“Fine.” I compromise. “Let’s go.” We take all of my bags, except for the toiletries,  and load up the car. We drive over to his house in a happy silence.

“Hello?” Kai says as he enters his dark house. Let me tell you about his house a little. It’s HUGE. Like gigantic. They have around thirty acres of land, they make every inch of it beautiful. Their house is two stories, not including the basement. They have four and a half bathrooms, and six bedrooms. The basement is completely awesome. It’s a game room with arcade games, a pool and air hockey table, a flat screens tv, and bean bags everywhere. The whole atmosphere is happy and cheerful.

“We’re in here!” I hear her mom yell to us. It sounds like she is in one of the bedrooms. We follow the sound of her voice into a guest bedroom. She is making the beds.

“Mom, will you tell Aracelli that she wouldn’t be a burden if she came early?” KAi says first thing.

“Oh, honey of course not. You are welcome here anytime, no matter what.” She says fluffing the pillows.

“Oh no, it’s completely fine, Kai just needs to learn to be patient. we just came to move my stuff in.” I politely smile at her.

“Okay sweetie, I’ll be in the kitchen if you need anything.” And she leaves the room. Kai goes and sits on the freshly made bed, completely messing it up.

“Just think. soon it will be you and me, in our own house, one bed.” He pulls me down to him. “We can cook for each other, clean together, just be together.” He sighs.

“Yeah. It’ll be nice.” I sigh, too. Laying here with him makes me feel nice. He holds me close to his chest so I can hear his heartbeat. I wish I could just lay here forever. Listening to his heartbeat, relaxing. But, we have lives, things to do. Including unpacking my stuff. “Come on.” I pat his leg. “We have stuff to do.”

A/N: I know this is ridiculously short and I am terribly sorry.  I have been super outragously busy. As soon as volleyball season is over, You will get an update about every other Saturday. So, yeah. I lov y'all.

Be Yourself,

     Willow Ray

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