chapter 2

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I woke up with a killer migraine. I opened my eyes and I was at my house in the living room.Everything hurt. I breathed slowly. Any move I made hurt. I felt like someone ran me over with a car. Someone probably did.  I didn't know how I got there or what was going on, but I was going to find out. I took a deep breath and tried to get up.

“Woah! You need to relax girly.” I looked toward the doorway to see who was talking. It was mom. “Kai! She’s awake!” I hear running coming from the kitchen. I slowly sit up and look towards the living room doorway.

“Hey baby!” Kai smiles. He grabs my face and checks out my eyes and nose. “ You have a black eye and I think your nose is broken. We’ll have to go to the hospital.” He stands up and gets his shoes on.

“ Woah!” I croak. “ I can barely move I don’t think I could stand up yet.” I laugh and it hurts.

“He has been here for two hours. He wouldn’t leave until he knew you were okay and awake. He drove you home, then called me while I was at work and explained what happened. Why didn’t you tell me it was this bad? That people were physically attacking you? I knew people were talking to you, but......” She says to me. I get a little upset at her. She decides to start asking questions now? She should have been asking questions when I had bruises up and down my legs, or a wrap on my arm to hide the scars. Not after I wake up from passing out, having no idea what was going on.

“Well, you are always working, and we never really get a chance to talk....” She works two shifts to support us. She’s home everyday for dinner, the sleeps from eight to midnight, then goes to her nightshift. She gets home at eight A.M., after I’m gone for school. She naps until twelve P.M., then off to work again. She gets home at six, makes dinner, then repeats.

“I’m here everyday for dinner and we talk! I ask you about school!

Oh, gosh. The school! How could they not know about this! how long has this been going on? I’ll be right back. I’m calling the school.” Mom says

“Wait!” But it’s too late. She’s already on the porch calling the school. I look at Kai, who takes mom’s place and sits next to me.

“how do you feel?”

“Like I have been hit by a truck. I wasn’t was I?”

“No.” He laughs

“What happened?”

“Well what do you remember?” He says looking at me.

“A guy hit me, everyone was laughing and that it. Mom told me that you drove me home and called her.”

“That’s pretty much all that happened.” He smiles and then kisses me.

“Everything hurts. and I’m really tired.”I say as I cuddle up next to him. I close my eyes, tiredness taking over my body.



“I love you.” I say snuggling closer and he puts his arm around me.

“ I love you, too. ” he says as I drift to sleep, those words in my mind.


“BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP!” My alarm yells at me to get up. It’s six thirty in the morning and I have to get ready for school. I'm in my room. Kai must have brought me in here last night. Forgetting about what happened, I sit up quickly. almost as quickly as I sat up, I went back down in pain. My whole body hurts and I’m bruised all over the place from just walking down the halls. I tried again to sit up, more carefully this time. I gathered my stuff to get in the shower, and head to the bathroom. I remember Kai saying I had a black eye so I wanted to see how bad it was.

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