Chapter 10

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I wake up at 6:30 A.M. in the best mood ever. I don’t remember falling asleep but I guess Kai left after I had become his fiancee. The thought of last night make me involuntarily smile. That was the best night of my entire life. I have to tell Kayla when she comes to pick me up.

I take a shower, get ready and everything a few minutes before Kayla comes to pick me up. I sit on the front porch just thinking about the thought of getting married. I was interrupted by Kayla honking at me.

“Jeez. I’m coming.” I tell her, a wide grin on my face. “Kai totally trumped you.”

“Okay he got you VidCon tickets, but I gave you friendship.” I laugh.

“He didn’t only give me VidCon tickets.”

“What else did he get you?”

“A fiancee.” I say waiting for the realization to come to her.

“He…” Was all she could get out.

“Yes. I’m getting married.” I say.

“Oh. My. God. Congradulations! I’m so happy, Araceli!” She squeals.

“Pay attention to the road. I would hate to have to take over. I haven’t practiced driving since last year.” I tease to her. She loves her car and wouldn’t let me touch it in a million years.

“Oh no. That is not happening.” She says eyeing the road. “But, you, getting married. Wow. I didn’t have to tell Kai to man up on this one. He did it all by himself. I’m so proud of him!”

“Oh wow, Kayla. Thanks for the support. It’s your turn. How are you going to one up Kai?” I tease. They both knew I didn’t want anything but they always got me something anyways.

“I don’t think I can. Great, even when he loses, he wins.” She sighs. “He won't give up will he?”

“I hope not. That’s what I love about him.” I say.

“Don’t get all mushy on me now.” Kayla says pulling into the school parking lot.

“I’ll try.” I joke with her. We enter the school, and people from all grades are telling me happy birthday. I don’t even know half of them. How did they know it was my birthday?

“Happy birthday!” Dylan says. “What did you get?” I look at kayla and we both smile.

“Just some VidCon tickets and a proposal.” I say casually.

“Oh cool…” He begins but then begins to process what I said. Kayla and I laugh once his facial expression changes. “You… and Kai… are getting married?!” He says getting louder.

“Keep your voice down! The whole school doesn’t need to know!” I hush him.

“Congrats, Araceli! You guys are perfect together.” Dylan says, and he means it There is no pain in his eyes or anything. I smile. He’s over me. Then his eyes glow in realization. I wonder what he is thinking.

“Kayla. I just realized something. It wasn’t Araceli I wanted. It’s you. I… I love you.”

“It took you long enough.” She replies and hugs him.

“I missed you.”

“I know. I missed you, too.”

“Awe, see my birthday is just making everyone happy.” I say. “Now don't go all mushy on me now.”

“Shut up.” They both instinctively say. I laugh at them. I guess certain things do come true. If only I knew what other people had in store for me, I wouldn’t have came to school.


“You really thought I was your friend? You’re still the same old Araceli to naive to tell the difference between real and fake.” Jenna tells me during art.People were beginning to crowd around us from hearing Jenna. “Why would I be friends with you, anyway? No one wants to be friends with a loser whore. I’m glad I got I practice my acting skills, though. Practice makes perfect, you know? I guess you wouldn’t or else you would have better painting and writing skills.” I feel myself starting to back up but someone pushes me back towards Jenna. I feel a tear fall down my cheek. “Awe, you gonna cry? Good. You deserve to cry. No one is here to save you know, are they? I have been planning this for so long and now that it’s here, I can’t get enough of it. No one likes you. No one wants you. In fact, you should just go ahead and kill yourself, before someone else does. People always say it’s better to do it yourself.” She grabs my painting I have been working on since yesterday and smashes it on the floor. “This my artwork. I call it the representation of Araceli Knight. Broken. Shattered. Lying on the ground for the rest of eternity where she should be.” The bell rings. She walks up to me and leans in to my ear. “Happy birthday.” And walks out of the room, followed by all the other students.

I can't hear anything. I can't move. I can only cry and wrap my arms around my legs. I have trouble breathing and start hyperventilating. I feel arms go around me and pick me up off the ground.

“It’s okay. I’m here. Nothing is wrong. I’m right here.” They kept repeating until I could breathe again. My senses start to return and I realize it’s Kayla and Dylan trying to calm me down.

“What happened?” Kayla says, even though I can tell by her face she knows it was Jenna.

“Jenna… pretending… bullying… painting… “ Was all I could get out through my sobs.

“Dylan, I can take it from here I’ll meet you outside.”

“You sure?” He answers and Kayla nods. Dylan leaves and it’s just me and Kayla.

“I told you she was no good.” She whispers. “I’m going to find her and…”



“No. No violence.” I repeat. “I’ll be fine just take me home.”

“You sure?”

“Yes.” I say and start to walk towards the door. I just need to get home. I just need to get home…

The car ride was completely silent the way to my house. I didn’t feel like talking and Kayla knew that. I watched the houses go by through the window. The car finally stopped at what seemed ages. I got out and waved to Kayla. I went straight to my room. I took off my sweatshirt and threw my bag on my bed. I go to the back of my closet and dig through a pile of clothes on the ground. I find it. A blood-spattered knife laying on the ground. I didn’t hesitate to put it to my wrist and slice away the skin. I don’t feel any pain and I feel no closure. I try again, blood raining down my arm. Again nothing. I am going to have to try something stronger. I just want it to end. I want it to all go away.

I go to the bathroom and open the cabinet. I find a bottle with about seven pills left in it. I open the cap and take all seven. I walk to my room and become dizzy quickly. I stumble down the hallway and I decide that I can’t make it to me room. I sit down against the wall, the bottle still in my hand. My eyelids become heavy and I have the urge to sleep. I feel someone kneel down beside me I can't hear what they are saying but there is urgency in their voice. I feel myself drifting further into sleep until I can't keep it away. My eyelids close and I drift into a peaceful sleep.

A/N: So? Sorry for auch a short chapter two in one day is a good deal. Sorry for such the intense content of this chapter. I love all of your guys feedback so keep it coming!

Be yourself,

          Winter King ;)

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