Show and Tell

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"You'll knock them dead today right?" Peeta asked as we took another elevator ride down to the gym. I nodded.

"Maybe not right away. They'll probably be all over me after."

"Confidence, I like it." He murmurs, pulling me closer, his grip on my hips tightening. I laugh while he leans down to kiss me. I turn around in his grip and put my arms around his neck, keeping him close. It's moments like these that I want to hold onto forever. I can't loose Peeta. I don't know what will happen to me if I do.

I pull away before the doors open but the Avoxss who welcome us seem to know exactly what was going on. Peeta and I walk hand in hand into the gym but part ways again as we set foot in it. He kisses my hand before smiling and walking away from me. I rub my arms, feeling my cheeks burning up as I head toward the trainer who deals with all things aquatic, like swimming and fishing. I already have the swimming thing down. I've known how to swim for years. I should probably get Peeta to come learn though. When I look around for him though he's talking to Johanna about wrestling I think.

I head back to the station and ask he man to show me how to fish. He has me making my own fishing hooks which is harder than it sounds. He has all kinds of things setup that could possibly become a fishing hook but nothing that looks even reasonable enough for me to use.

"You look confused." I turn to find Finnick and Mags, the elderly women tribute from his District, behind me presumably watching.

"I came from a District where rocks are our main export and water is in short supply." Finnick continued to grin.

"Maybe Mags can help." He says gesturing at her. She holds out her hand and says some thing I don't quite catch but makes Finnick smile so I smile back. The two of them quickly make good use of the array of things in front of us. Bones, thread, straw, and even earrings are fishing hooks for them. I wondered if they have to make most of their hooks. After a while Finnick left Mags and I alone. We talked back and forth for a bit, only a couple of sentences her and there was all.

As I walk around looking for something to do Cashmere and Gloss surprise me by inviting me to help build a shelter with them, complete with our own hammocks. "Are you sure?" I asked, mildly confused as to why they were doing this.

"Of course Catora, come on." Her and her brother both smile pleasantly, so pulling all of my courage out, I join them. I'm not very good at making a hammock but Gloss and Cashmere are excellent, like they've been doing it for years, which might be true.

"No, like this. See." Gloss says at one point, putting his hand over mine and taking the ropes, tightening them against the tree. "Now it's sturdy enough to sit in." He says patting it down for me before vaulting into his own hammock by his sister.

"I've only ever seen hammocks." I murmured, confused as to how they got in theirs so gracefully. I carefully climb into it and manage to sit down with out too much of a blunder.

"You've got it." Cashmere said lightly, smiling. I pursed my lips and nodded before scanning the training area. I found Peeta with the Morphlings at the camouflage station. He seemed to be watching us. I waved and smiled to show him that everything was okay. He nodded and went back to letting the Morphlings paint him the colors of the sunset.

"We thought you two would be joined at the hip." Gloss says, sitting forward a bit in his hammock. I shrug.

"Haymitch wants us to make friends."

"You mean allies?" Cashmere corrects.

"I guess it's sort of the same thing." I murmured. "Anyways, we thought it best to split up. Cover more ground in a sense I guess." They nodded as they gently swung back and forth.

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