Peeta: Rapture Pt. Two

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When I regain consciousness there is someone sitting by my bed I start, jumping up. Katniss holds her hands in the air, as if to show that she hadn't touched me in my sleep. "Peeta." She says softly. "It's okay."

"Why are you here?" I ask before realizing how harsh that sounds. I hadn't meant it like that. I had me at how did she get here. "Are we in District 12." She cringes. That's when I take in her appearance. There's ash on her face and her hair, she has burn marks across her arms and one of her hands is bandaged. "Are you okay?" I ask her. Her eyes begin to feel with tears.

"No." She whispers. I wait for her to continue. "They bombed District 12 Peeta. There's nothing left." My heart stops beating as she says this.

"Everyone.." I whisper. She lets out a shaky breath, wiping away a single tear.

"No, not everyone. Gale and I.. We tried to get as many people into the forest but.. But they wouldn't listen. After the arena blew up.. We knew we were in trouble. He and some of the miners made holes in the fence. And we got.. We got a lot of people to escape. Your brothers came.. Your parents.." She stopped and while my throat closed up a bit I didn't want to think about them.

"Your family? Gale's?" She nodded.

"They're fine.."

"Catora's parents? Madge?" She burst into tears.

"They wouldn't come!" She wailed. "They thought for certain that Catora was dead! They didn't care. They wouldn't come with me and Madge.." She started chocking. "Madge closed the door in my face. She said if she was going to die, it was going to be with her parents! I couldn't help them! I couldn't save them!" She wailed. I slowly got out of bed and hugged her. "District 12 is gone Peeta. Everything is gone."

Catora: Captured

Everything was so pretty. The sky raining down around us, the clear blue sky. It all looked like a dream. I wondered if this would kill us. I was kind of hoping pieces of the arena would crush anyone who was left alive, me included. I don't want to be alive for whatever torture the Capital has for us. They'll be angry that I broke their precious arena and then take it out on the rest of us.

A hovercraft appeared and started picking people up. Finnick was the first to go. I watched him disappear into the hovercraft. It floated a bit off to my right silently and the claw dropped down again. I watched carefully. It was picking up Peeta! My hear fluttered. He was still alive. I smiled.

The claw dropped down again near me, picking up Beetee and I was next. I waited patiently as everything caught fire around me. Beetee was pulled up into the hovercraft and the claws were coming back down for me then, they stopped as if they were confused. The claws retracted and went back into the hovercraft. I gasped.

I wanted to scream. I wanted to move, tell them that I was still alive but my body was limp from the electrocution and there was a gash on my temple, blood flowing from the wound. Did they think I was dead? I didn't want to be left here! I didn't want to die in this burning arena. The hovercraft flew away. I screamed.

Several things happened at once; first, Johanna came crashing through the trees and ran towards me, next Peacekeepers appeared and then Johanna pulled me up. "We could have been saved!" She said, dragging me away with her and away from the Peacekeepers. "They left us. They left us to die."

"Wh-what?" I questioned as we stumbled through the jungle, what remained of it anyways.

"Your boyfriend is safe, Finnick is safe even Beetee! But you me and Enobaria. We're going to be captured. The Capitol is going to torture us and then they're going to kill us. All because you couldn't stay still long enough for me to take out your tracker." My tracker?

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