The Trap

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The next morning, a surprising gift arrives, it's a set of 24 rolls from District 3. There's a note but all it says,


I can't help but think it's a signal from Haymitch to Beetee but he shrugs at the note and even throws it away while we divide the bread between us. It doesn't work out evenly. It might, if one of us was dead. I want to make a joke about it but decide against it.

Peeta and I eat quietly next to each other. I try not to blush as I remember last night. The locket around my neck feels heavy, like its full of guilt or regret. I almost don't want to wear it. But Peeta gave it to me and knowing that pictures of my parents are in it are comforting.

When Peeta and I finish eating I wipe my hands of the crumbs and look over at him. He glances down at me, arching an eyebrow. I think he can tell I want to say something to him. I stand and hold out my hand for him. "What?" He asks lightly.

"I want to teach you how to swim." He smiles lightly and takes my hand, standing up. It's a skill he should know now and I want to get him away form the others anyways. I want to talk to him about leaving. I tell Finnick what we're doing and he waves us away as he twirls a trident between his fingers.

I teach Peeta the basics; keeping afloat and simple strokes. He makes a joke about sinking to the bottom of the lake, if you can even call it that, because he's bulky. I laugh with him, shaking my head.

Johanna watches us closely for a bit before giving up and going to take a nap. Finnick is weaving more nets, probably just so his hands aren't idle and Beetee is still playing with that wire of is. I want to talk about leaving but we can talk later. For now, I enjoy showing Peeta how to swim.

After an hour and a half, I take him to shore and we pretend to dry off in the afternoon sun."Peeta." I say softly. He glances over at me, his lips pursed. "I think we should leave." I glance back at Johanna and Finnick like they might be able to hear us. "There's only eight of us left and I would rather not have it be the five of us." He pushes some of my wet hair out of my face.

"How about we wait until Brutus and Enobaria are dead before taking off." I'm about to protest when he says, "I think Beetee is figuring out a way to set a trap for them with that wire. If we leave now, we won't know what he's up to and might end up dead ourselves because of it." He's proven his point. I sigh.

"Okay." I murmur. "Promise though." I say firmly, looking back up at him. Peeta smiles and leans in to kiss me.

"I promise." He mumbles, pulling back.

"Hey you two!" Finnick calls out to us. I look over my shoulder at him and he's motioning for us to stand up and head over to them. A disgruntled Johanna has been woken up from her nap so this must be important. Peeta and I stand then walk hand in hand toward our allies on the beach.

Peeta was right. Beetee had a plan.

After asking us some pretty obvious questions about why Brutus and Enobaria weren't on the beach and the lightening tree, we finally got out of him what his plan was. Beetee wanted to run the wire from the tree to the beach so that after the wave hit, everything would be nice and damp and the electric current flowing from the tree and the wire would zap anything touching the sand or the water.

Finnick complained it would kill off the seafood. Johanna had rolled her eyes at him and asked if the wire could withstand that much electricity running through it. And she was right. The wire looked pretty flimsy.

"It'll work." Beetee said firmly.

"How do you know?" Johanna pressed.

"Because I made it." She went quiet at that. Finnick looked over at Peeta and I.

"You two have been quiet. What do you think?" I glanced at Peeta and I knew what his answer was just by looking at his face.

"We think it's a good idea." Johanna opened her mouth but I continued. "Its a good plan. And if it doesn't fry them, and only kills the seafood well.. They loose that food source as well." I paused. "Besides we have bread, I can hunt we have water. I think we'll be fine. I say lets go for it." Peeta nodded next to me, agreeing to every word.

"Fine." Johanna mutters. "Let's do this."

"It's better than hunting them down in the jungle." Finnick agrees with Peeta and after Johanna makes a comment about how they won't be able to understand our plan anyways, we head into the jungle so Beetee can inspect the lightening tree.

It's nearly a straight shot towards the tree. We have to climb a few small slopes and hop over a few fallen trees but we arrive at the tree in under an hour. We have plenty of time before the lightening hits the tree but I want to be back on the beach so we're nowhere near it when it happens.

While Finnick guards Beetee, who is inspecting the tree, Johanna gathers water, Peeta collects nuts and I hunt for those weird mammal creatures in the jungle. They're not afraid of humans so I kill three with ease. Then Peeta and I throw nuts in front of us until we find the forcefield and we begin to cook the meat.

Beetee seems pleased by his findings and we have a sort of early lunch before heading to the section with the blood rain. Beetee wants to be sort of close by when the lightening strikes. I guess he wanted a good look at it or something.

Even from where we are, the lightening is blinding. The air crackles with electricity and I shiver as the bolts strike the tree. Beetee seems satisfied with the information he's gathered and we head back down to the beach after that. The rest of the afternoon we have nothing to do, since we can't help Beetee mess around with the wire. At first, we take turns napping but by the time the two o'clock fog rolls around, we're agitated and restless.

Finnick suggests we all make ourselves useful and gather up as much seafood as we can before we neutralize all of it. We agree immediately since we have nothing better to do. Johanna spears fish, Peeta gathers shellfish and I dive for oysters under Finnick's guidance. I can't hold my breathe as long as he can but at least I'm brave enough to open my eyes underwater.

Later, we're cleaning fish and opening up oysters on the sand while Johanna watches the jungle. I've just finished gutting a fish when I hear Peeta laugh. He has an open oyster in his hands and I'm confused at what he's laughing out until he pulls out a small, pea sized pearl.

"You know, if you put enough pressure on coal it turns into pearls." Peeta says looking at Finnick.

"No it doesn't." He replies, looking at Peeta like he's crazy but I start busting up, as I remember how Effie used that line to sell us to the people of the Capitol. After explaining this to Finnick, he smiles and rolls his eyes.

"Here." Peeta says lightly, handing me the pearl after he's washed it off. I smile as I take it. Peeta is too good for me. He's always been so kind, so gentle. I recall how Haymitch said I deserved better but I think he's wrong. Peeta does. I was forced upon him. Peeta doesn't deserve love like that. He needs something better.

When I look up from the pearl, he's staring at me. It's a look of realization almost. It looks like he wants to take back the pearl but I place it in a compartment on the pack around my waist. "I've just done something. What have I done?" He asks, even though he already knows. I smile lightly. "You're still going to try to save me over yourself aren't you."

"Always." I murmur, kissing him lightly. Peeta opens his mouth but closes it quickly. I don't think he wants to argue with me right now.

That night, just as we're about to pig out on bread and seafood, more bread arrives from Haymitch, this time with some sort of red sauce. This time the bread is from District 7 and the message says,

Stay Alive

I roll my eyes, like we didn't already know that Haymitch is what I want to say to him. It's 24 rolls again which still doesn't divide equally. We eat fish and bread until we're full and even then we have a lot of food left. We throw the remnants of the seafood back into the saltwater. It will be no good to us later and we don't want the Careers to get to it.

As we lay down to rest, I find myself opening up Peeta's token. It took me several tries to find the latch but it sprung open eventually. I stare at my parents, my friends and say a silent, I'm sorry and I love you before closing it back up. I hope the pearl travels with me home, I want my parents to give it to Peeta.

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