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I jolt awake in the early morning light jostling Peeta who jumps up as well. "Hey hey.. Are you okay?" He murmurs stroking my hair as I whimper softly.

"No." Is all I manage to get out. Peeta continues to stroke my hair as I stare out into the empty space. On the verge of tears, I lay my head down on Peeta's shoulder and squeeze my eyes shut.

"You're fine. Everything's okay. It was just a dream." He tells me softly.

"I know, but all my dreams seem so real now." I reply quietly. Peeta pulls me into his chest but I don't cry. I just squeeze my eyes shut and let him hold me until the light outside begins to brighten. I pull back slowly and Peeta strokes my cheek staring at me intently. "I should get back." I murmur pushing the covers off of myself.

"Are you sure?" He questions as I slide out of bed and set my feet on the cold, hard ground. I nod as i move towards my boots and tug them on. When I turn Peeta is standing behind me.

"Katniss has probably been with Gale all night. She needs some rest." I explain to him.

"Okay. I'll come over later alright? Make something for everyone?" I nod my head slowly and push myself up on my toes so I can kiss his cheek. He shifts over though so our lips are pressed together sweetly.

"See you soon?" I breathe out pulling back a little.

"Yes." Peeta says lightly. I kiss him again and walk out of the room, back down the stairs and out the front door. It's cold outside but not unbearably so. A quick look at the sky tells me there's an impending snow storm. "Wait, do you want me to walk you over?" Peeta's voice stops me. He's just stepped outside. He looks worried. I purse my lips and shake my head slowly.

"I'll be fine. Just across the way." I murmur brushing his hair out of his eyes before kissing him softly. He kisses me back. "Remember to stop by." I tell him. Peeta nods.

"Of course." He replies with a smile. I nod my head and try to muster up the strength to smile back but can't.

I wrap my arms around myself as I rush across the gravel back to my house. The wind blows through my hair chilling me to the bone. I open the front door to my house and try to close it as quickly and softly as possible. I don't want to wake anyone up. I head for the kitchen and find Katniss is still asleep by Gale's side. I put my hand on her shoulder and she jumps up immediately. There's this wild look in her eyes like she was waiting for an attack. When she realizes it's me, she grimaces a little before dropping the expression. "Go sleep upstairs." I murmur. She opens her mouth to protest. "Don't argue with me Katniss just go to sleep. I'll wake you if he stirs, but I sure hope he doesn't. He's in impossible pain."

Katniss doesn't reply just sort of stares at me for a bit before turning to face Gale again and trail her fingers down the length of his arm before heading out of the room. I sit in her original spot and take Gale's hand in mine. I stare at his strong features, turned soft in this tranquil state of his. Tears brim in my eyes thinking about the whipping and I kiss his knuckles, stroking the back of his hand. It's my fault. I don't care what anyone says. It's my fault Gale is like this.

That's how Peeta finds us twenty minutes later. Gale on the table, me holding his hand on the verge of tears. "Catora." Peeta says with a sigh. I stand up as he sets his stuff down and opens his arms up for me. I hug him back gratefully breathing in the scent of freshly made bread and damp hair. He kisses my forehead and hugs me tighter.

"Look at him. I did this." I whisper.

"No you didn't. Thread did." Peeta replies.

"It might as well have been me behind that whip Peeta." I argue. He doesn't say anything this time just rubs small circles into my back. Maybe he thinks it's no use trying to argue with me. I'll find a way to blame myself no matter what he says. He leaves moments later, said he he'd be back to check on me again when more people would be up. I go back and sit by Gale's side, taking his hand again. "You idiot." I murmur. "You're such an idiot." For some reason I feel like crying, and screaming. I don't know if I want to scream at him or myself though.

"What have you done." I murmur. "Katniss will never forgive me. You selfish jerk." I whisper gripping his hand tightly and squeezing my eyes shut.

"Whose a selfish jerk?" Startled I scoot back in the chair and drop Gales hand. His wide gray eyes are open and look worn out and old. Tightening my jaw and swallowing I move closer. I take his hand again.

"If you weren't already in so much pain I would hit you." I murmur. I think Gale tries to laugh but it doesn't come out properly. He coughs and I run my free hand over his mop of dark hair. "I'm going to get Katniss." I tell him. Unfortunately Gale has enough strength to grip my hand tight enough to prevent me from leaving.

"Not yet." He murmurs.

"I told her..." He stopped me.

"I heard." Now I really want to hit him.

"Gale." I say harshly. "Katniss is in love with you. Do you know what you did yesterday? Do you have any idea?" I demand shaking his hand free. He seems confused and slowly shakes his head. "You were calling out for someone. Katniss thought it was her you wanted but you said my name instead. She hates me Gale yet she still loves you! I've just lost my best friend." I tell him, venom in my voice.

"You still have.." I cut him off.

"What? You? I can never be around you anymore. If Katniss doesn't want me near you. I won't be near you. So I have Peeta. Just Peeta. That's all I need." That's when I hear the floorboards creak. Turning around I find Peeta standing behind me a little ways watching the exchange. "Peeta." I breathe out standing. "You know when I said later..." I murmur moving towards him. He's changed and seems to have showered as well unless it's raining outside. I push back strands of his blond hair and stroke his cheeks gingerly.

"I know what you meant but you were really upset when I left." He replies lightly pressing his forehead against mine. He shrugs off his jacket and hands it to me. "Let me sit with Gale. You can go get Katniss." I glance back at Gale whose trying to sit up at the moment. I rush over and place my hand lightly on his shoulder.

"Stop it Gale." I whisper bending down in front of him so we're eye level. "I don't know Peeta." I say turning my head to look at him. I'm still clutching his jacket to me. I watch as he sets whatever food he has in his hands on the counter.

"It'll be fine. Won't take more than two minutes. Let the guys talk." He says patting my shoulder as I rise. I shake my head not liking the sound of that.

"What am I going to do? He's in enough pain. We're not going to fight this out." Gale snorts.

"We might later." He murmurs. I find myself smiling for some reason.

"Two minutes." Peeta repeats pushing me towards the exit.

"Two minutes." I repeat. Backing up slowly, I head for the stairs as Peeta sits down in front of Gale, a hard expression on his face. I want to give them enough time to talk but I don't want to leave the two of them down there for too long. Slowly I check all the rooms downstairs for Katniss and can't seem to find her. I head up the stairs and continue my search.

I find her in the room across from mine passed out on the bed. She looks so peaceful and tired I almost don't want to wake her. I do anyways. Sitting on the bed I reach over and touch her shoulder. She doesn't stir so I shake her a bit. Still nothing. I almost think she's dead but Katniss sits up hurriedly, breathing deeply.

"He's awake." Is all I have time to say before she's flying out the door, down the stairs and into the kitchen. I follow her just at a more leisurely pace. When I finally hit the bottom of the stairs I find Peeta leaving the kitchen.

"How did it go?" I question touching his arm. Peeta shrugs.

"It went."

I don't know what's up with the short story titles.

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