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I leave them there. Both of them. I hadn't realized how infuriating and frustrating women could be until exactly ten minutes ago. First it was my fight with Katniss, over the stupidest thing too. Well stupid for me, but not for her.

"Gale! What's wrong? What am I doing wrong?" She demands as we tromp through the snow and sleet. I try not to groan too loudly or roll my eyes at her because she's two feet away and she get's extremely upset when I do so.

"Nothing's wrong." I grumble under my breath.

"Yes there is! You always get like this when we get to see Catora! It's like you don't want her around!" She snaps at me. I glance over at her as she hops over a fallen tree while I  glide over it easily. I forgot how much I tower over her. "Is something going on between you two? Something you're not telling me?" Katniss looks up at me with those wide gray eyes. It's hard looking at her sometimes. Not because she isn't pretty because she is, but because every time I look at her I can't help but picture my sister. Posy. With the same dark hair and deep gray eyes. Katniss is basically the older version of my younger sister and that's all I'll ever see her as. I sigh.

"We're all best friends Katniss. If something was going on between us you would know. You'd be the tiebreaker." I said quietly. She grins at this. A real one. You only ever see her happy out here. Or when she's around me as Catora so graciously pointed out before she left for the Games. Instead of telling me that she loved me back like I had expected, like I had hoped, she threw in my face the love Katniss was always giving me that I had never returned. It felt like a punch in the gut and then a slap in the face.

Katniss. The girl I've never looked at twice was hopelessly in love with me. Me, a selfish jerk who was in love with her best friend who was in love with a completely different boy. I remember when Katniss told me before the games started. We were watching the live broadcast of them in the chariot. Catora looked like the blazing sun as she smiled and waved toward the crowd. Blowing kisses and catching flowers.

What made me uneasy was how tightly she was gripping Peeta's hand. I didn't really know him or know much about him. He was a year younger than me and hung out with the kids from the Market. I've heard some of the guys I used to hang around with talk about him once. They said at least half of the girls we knew were interested in him. I just didn't expect Catora to be the one to fall for those blue eyes and blond head of hair.

"Don't they just look spectacular together." Katniss breathed out. Glancing at her I saw the flames from the screen flickering in her eyes. I arched an eyebrow before looking back.

"I guess. I don't know. Why are they holding hands?" I questioned. Katniss shrugged.

"They look really good together though. I told Catora they would." I froze. Became completely rigged and stared down at Katniss.

"What do you mean?" She took in my posture and wild eyes and seemed surprised.

"You mean she never told you?" she tilted her head.

"Told me what?" I demanded even though I was pretty sure I already knew the answer.

"Catora has been in love with Peeta sine she was ten." Ten. That's how old she was when we met. She's loved him for that long and never told me? "I always assumed you knew. I mean we never all talked about it together.. Actually." She stopped mid-sentence and blushed heavily. I assumed they had made some pact about not telling me they liked or discussing it with me because well Katniss was in love with, me. "Never mind." She murmured staring at the ground. Catora already broke her end of the deal and now Katniss had just broken hers.

"You're doing it again!" Katniss cried out suddenly. Stopping I glanced at her and realized I had zoned out in the middle of our conversation again. She was half glaring at me but also looked extremely upset.

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