The Arena

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"Where's Effie?" I asked, stepping towards him. Haymitch snorts and walks straight to the bar. Peeta and I follow.

"They sent everyone home, well forced is more like it. You two, have caused quite a riot." He said pointing at both of us. I glanced at Peeta and his grip on my hand tightened.

"It wasn't just us. It was everyone." Haymitch scoffed.

"Sure all the other District's got the crowd riled up but then Little Miss Girl on Fire walks out in her wedding gown and people are ready to die for her, to kill for her." I blush has he wildly gestures around. Peeta lets go of my hand to scold him.

"Don't talk about her like that." Haymitch just laughs.

"Then you storm in all gung-ho professing about a secret wedding and a baby? A God damn baby." He's gesturing at me even though he's looking at him. "Good job." He says lightly, impressed. "But not good enough." He walks away.

"What do you mean not good enough?" I ask, following him.

"I mean it's not good enough to stop the Games. Do you think the President cares what the people think? If he did we wouldn't have a damn rebellion on our backs." He takes another swig from the bottle.

"We just want people to be as angry as we are." Peeta says slowly. Haymitch sighs and shakes his head.

"Well they're angry." We're quiet after that.

"We won't see Effie again." I say suddenly. Peeta glances over at me but my eyes are downcast, staring at the tile. "I don't think I like the thought of that." I murmur. Haymitch sighs.

"I'll send your regards." He mutters.

"No, you'll only be sending mine." Peeta says then lowly, so only I can hear. "I will save you." I don't argue with him. I don't have it in me.

"So I guess we should begin saying goodbye then. We won't see each other in the morning." Haymitch grumbles. We all begin to awkwardly shift around.

"Any last words of advice?" I say slowly. Haymitch smiles or maybe he grimaces as he walks forward, patting Peeta on the back.

"Stay alive." Peeta grins and I can't help my smile either.

"And remember who the real enemy is." He says, moving back toward me. I don't know why he emphasizes this but I store this information into the back of my mind.

I don't let Peeta go to his room. I'm convinced that if he leaves me, I'll fall apart so we go straight to my room where we shower and change individually. Far down bellow us, the crowds of the people leaving look hectic. A lot of people are leaving but even more look to be staying behind and protesting. When they bring out the Peacekeepers, I look away even though I know they won't kill them.

I climb onto the bed next to Peeta. He has his arms behind his head and he's staring up at the ceiling. I can't help eyeing his muscles. He smirks, catching me. I blush. "You look better without all that dramatic makeup." Peeta says wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling me toward him. I lay down on his chest.

"So I look bad with it on?" Peeta rolls his eyes as I laugh lightly.

"I didn't mean it like that." He murmurs, kissing my forehead. I sigh and close my eyes. I want to pretend we're back at my house in the Victor Village. Peeta and I are lying on my bed during a lazy afternoon just listening to the birds sing outside. Katniss will arrive soon and bring Prim with her and Gale's not far behind.

I imagine the life we could have and my chest tightens at the thought of our kids. I wanted them to look like Peeta. Blond hair and blue eyes. Peeta is gorgeous. I am plain. I wipe at the stray tears that escape and sniffle a little. Peeta lifts me up to look at me.

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