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Peeta is acting like I'm fragile. I mean, sure my heart stopped. Sure I was dead for maybe a minute or two but I was fine now. A little sleepy and tired but I was fine. I slipped on some rocks and Peeta was immediately there, hands on my waist, steadying me.

"You okay?" He asked. I smiled at him and rolled my eyes a little.

"I'm fine. Takes more than some slippery rocks to kill me." He smirked.

"Yeah, it takes a forcefield." I laughed and Finnick eyed us warily, muttering something about how loud we were. Peeta and I talked a little less after that.

When we rest again, something flashes around Peeta's neck and it catches my eye. The sunlight is glittering off his gold necklace. "Is that your token?" I ask lightly, moving closer to him so I can get a better look at it. Peeta looks down at the chain around his neck and nods. I flip it over against his chest and find my Mockingjay. I grin.

"I borrowed it." He said tapping my pin.

"I love it." I reply lightly, kissing him.

We continue moving alongside the Forcefield for another hour or so but we seem to be getting nowhere. It seems to curve around us and I don't know if it's a trick of my mind or what's actually happening. Finnick glances behind him and we must look like we're struggling. We haven't had anything to drink since this morning after all. Finnick sighs.

"Let's take another break." He says, skewering his trident into the ground. "Do you think you can climb that?" He continues, looking from me to the tall tree to his right.

"She almost died a couple hours ago. I don't think she should be climbing trees." Peeta said forcefully. I put a hand on his chest.

"Hey, I'm fine. It's just a tree. I've done this hundreds of times." I watch him grind his teeth, holding back his argument. I give him a small smile and he collapses. "Okay just.."

"I know." I tell him, kissing his cheek. I head up the tree. As I climb, the branches get thinner but the air feels lighter. There's a small breeze whipping through the trees that comforts me as I climb. I stick as close to the trunk as possible and head up higher than I should. I had to see something.

From my vantage point, high up in the tree. I can see the entire arena for the first time. It's a circle. At the center of it, the Cornucopia sitting on what looks like spokes for a wheel. That's what I was reminded of when I saw it for the first time. I frown staring at it. Why a circle? I glance up at the perfect blue sky. A thought occurs to me.

Notching an arrow, I aim upwards, toward the sky. I expect it to go on forever, only to fall back down later but instead, nearly twenty feet up, the arrow hits the forcefield. I catch a glimpse of gray metal before the blue returns and the arrow is sent sailing back into the jungle. They've enclosed us. I climb back down the tree.

"This is it." I say as I hope down. Finnick arches an eyebrow.

"What?" He asks.

"The arena. It's a circle. We're trapped in a dome and not a very big one at that." Finnick grimaces and wipes the sweat from his forehead.

"Did you see any water?" I shake my head.

"The only water is the saltwater back by the Cornucopia." Peeta frowns. "At least, that's all I could see anyways. The jungle is pretty thick." I said, gesturing around.

"Well, what now?" Finnick asks after a minute of silence.

"We could continue along the edge of the arena, find a safe place to set up camp." Peeta suggested. Finnick nodded, liking the idea. Just as were about to keep moving, the cannon sounds. My blood chills. The fighting I saw down at the Cornucopia must be finally over. I count the number of booms.

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