The Ball Drops

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Since I usually sleep at Peeta's house, beside him in his bed, I don't know that my prep team is here for my wedding dress photoshoot until it's too late to run away. Peeta and I were sitting up in his art room. We usually get up slightly earlier in the morning to have some quiet time to ourselves so we can eat and do other things before heading over to see Katniss. I've tried to pick up sewing and I've gotten pretty good at it, at least I poke holes in my thumb a lot less.

He was shading the sky in a painting of the Victor Village. He kept glancing out the window to capture the details. I was sitting in a chair just to the side of him so I can watch the look of concentration on his face. His eyebrows were arched down and he seemed to be biting his tongue. I loved watching him. He was always so focused and I loved that about him. He glanced out the window and looked back at the painting before getting a startled look on his face and physically moving closer to the window. He cursed under his breathe.

"What?" I questioned, confused.

"Your prep team." Peeta said glancing over at me. Oh no. In no time Flavius, Octavia, and Veina burst through the door and covered me with hugs and kisses.

"We've missed you so much!" Veina crowed. "You too Peeta." She said smiling at him Peeta nodded.

"We went to your house and found it filled with... Other people." Octavia whispered lowly like it was some big secret.

"Yeah, they're like family. My house is their house." I replied sternly. The three of them shrugged before pulling me out of Peeta's house with hardly a goodbye. We descended down upon my house, shooing out the few people that had arrived early for some of Mrs. Everdean's remedies. I placed several coins in their hands so they didn't have to leave empty handed.

My parents, Prim, Katniss, Mrs. Everdean and Mrs. Hawthorne all gathered for the occasion of watching me try on wedding dresses. Of course, there was all the preparation as well. My eyebrows needed fixing, my whole body had to be shaved, my hair styled to perfection and my makeup painted on me. They watch the whole process intrigued. I would feel violated by the lack of privacy but I'm far past that by now.

My prep team, of course, dishes out the latest gossip around the Capitol. Whose dating who and what past victors are doing. It's useless nonsense that I usually end up tuning out but something Octavia says catches my attention.

"What was that about seafood?" My prep team smiles softly.

"Oh silly, we haven't gotten seafood for four weeks now! There's awful storms brewing around the coast this time of year." They say brushing off the thought. Storms? I don't know what it's like down the coast but I'm pretty sure there are no storms. It must be a coverup. Slowly I gather intel about the other things the Capitol is lacking in. They're low on crabmeat, music chips, and ribbons. Which means District 4, District 3, and of course Distrcit 8 have all had possible rebellions or signs of unrest.

"Oh Catora, I really wish you hadn't tripped and cut your face up." Flavius complains as he adjusts my makeup. Tripped? Is that what Haymitch had told them happened? I guess a whipping is too real for them.

"I'm just clumsy." I murmur. My parents purse their lips and tighten their jaws as I say this. Everyone looks more solemn now. The mood lights slightly as Cinna steps in. He is greeted immediately with praise and gratitude for doing this for me. I smile as he accepts their thanks before walking over to me and giving me a nice big hug.

Back downstairs Effie is practically screaming at everyone to get in place. Everything has a place, everything needs to be perfect. Nothing but the best for this wedding. I'm glad for the order though. I have six dresses to try on that all require their own specific makeup, hairstyle, shoes, and jewelry. Six different gowns and I don't even get to pick.

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