Capitol Fever

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"Oh my gosh." I murmur as Peeta moves to switch off the television. "Did you see that?" I asked gesturing at the now blank screen.

"Yes, I do believe we are in the same room." Laughing I hit him and move so that I'm sitting on my legs, staring at me.

"But that whole thing with the axe and the arena." I corrected. Peeta nodded. "He used the arena against the Capitol. He turned it into a weapon." I said excitedly.

"Yeah, Haymitch is pretty smart. I'll give him that." Peeta says with a nod of his head.

"No Peeta. It's not just that. The arena became a weapon!" Peeta arched an eyebrow unsure of what I was getting at. "The Capitol didn't want it to be a weapon but it became one." I corrected myself. "Oh my gosh they probably had to spin a web of lies and deceit to cover this up!" I exclaim. "It's.. It's almost as bad as our berries!" Then Peeta and I are laughing. I think he's laughing only because of my excitement but that's okay.

"Almost." A voice says startling me. I turn to find Haymitch leaning against the door. "But not quite." He smiles lightly and takes a drink from the bottle of wine in his hand. I should be mad that's he's drinking but I'm too busy laughing. I've been so focused on our competitors I never stopped to think about our teammates and what they're capable of. Together, I know we can show up the Capitol. We will survive this.

"Peeta." I whisper in the darkness. He's lightly running his hand up and down my arm so I know he's still awake.

"Hmm?" He hums in my ear. I roll over to face him creating a small pocket of air between us. "What's the matter?" He asks lightly touching my cheek.

"I don't know." I whisper back, like someone might hear us. "I'm... I'm scared." I finally finish. Peeta closes the distance between us and kisses me softly.

"Don't be. Not right now okay? Never be afraid when you're with me." I smile softly at him and Peeta pulls me onto his chest where I fall asleep in his arms.

Being with the prep team the next morning was exhausting. All the three of them ever did was cry and fawn over me. They're upset about everything and everything makes them upset. I'm not sure how to console them so the tears keep flowing. By the time Cinna arrives I'm worn out and pissed off. I'm the one dying and they're crying.

"Don't you start." I command, the moment he walks through the door. "I've seen enough tears today to drown in them." I grumbled, crossing my arms. Cinna laughs.

"Had a gloomy morning?"

"Tell me about it." I murmured. "They can't do that to me." I said defiantly. Cinna just smiles again and strokes my hair.

"I'll talk to them." We have a nice conversation of lunch about everything except the games, and of course District 12. The food was excellent but the company was even better.

"How's Peeta? They practically dragged us away at the train station." I said kind of mad. We had stepped off hand in hand but were quickly torn away once we were off the train.

"He's fine. Portia is with him." I swallowed the meat in my mouth.

"So what are we wearing?" Cinna grinned.

"You'll love it. It's intoxicatingly beautiful. It's black. No more pink and blue for you." That's good. Turning over a new leaf. We were no longer the lovers of District 12 we were warriors, fighters. We were out for revenge.

I wore a beautiful dress black dress that left my arms open and free. My neck was open with straps connecting the front of my dress to the back and sides. It nearly touched the floor at its length but one inch high heels fixed that problem. Now it glided over the ground effortlessly.

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