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"Hey!" I call out to Peeta as he exits his famiy's bakery. He's holding a loaf of bread.

"Oh hi." he says with a wide smile waving at us.

"That for me." I joke coming up and kissing his cheek. Peeta grins.

"Do you want it?" I laugh.

"No I'm here to get Katniss something." I say nodding at her. Katniss rolls her eyes.

"More like charity work." She grumbles, crossing her arms over her chest and looking away.

"Oh come on. I told you it's not a big deal. I have money. A lot of it. I shouldn't just keep it for myself." I say with a snort rolling my eyes. Peeta smiles at me and Katniss shakes her head.

"That's not the point." I laugh.

"Yeah you just think I shouldn't help you now that I have money to pay for it. Hunting is still better. This is just convenient." Katniss sighs and mutters something I don't hear.

"Well go right ahead. My brother is in there already." Peeta says glancing from Katniss to me. I nod my head.

"Tanner or Corbin?" Peeta smirks.

"Tanner of course." I smile.

"Ready for.." I pause when I look back at Katniss. She's rigid and has her ear tilted to the wind. Peeta and I stare at her confused. "What's wrong?" I question.

"Shh. Hear that?" She asks lowly. I listen closely. It sounds like. Gasping? In horror?

"Is it.. Coming from the Square?" Katniss doesn't reply. Her eyes get wide all of a sudden and she begins to run, taking off down the hill at top speed. I take one look at Peeta before we're doing the same.

The wind whistles in my ears as we sprint down the slope. We nearly skid into the crowd of people that fill the square. Some grumble when they see me others complain loudly about my being there. "Go home."

"You'll make it worse." They tell me as I try to push my way to the front trying to keep up with Peeta and Katniss.

"What?" I question loudly. I still can't see over the many bodies and heads. Everything seems to be blocking my view. Katniss shrieks. I can just see her in front of me, her hands over her mouth. "Katniss! What's happening!" I cry out. Peeta turns suddenly. He must be able to see it now. He's tall enough. He starts pushing me backwards through the crowd.

"Catora I swear, just go!" He shouts down at me pointing back in the direction we just came from. I try to see around him. I'm really scared now.

"Peeta. Just let me through." I complain.

"No. Catora." Seeking my opportunity I slip under his arm as he tries to pull me into his chest. I brush past the last couple of people and suddenly I can see everything. The pools of blood on the hard ground. The ripe, red, raw flesh that used to be a back. The whip and how it's being raised to strike again.

"Gale!" I scream as loud as I can. I think Peeta tries to grab me but I wiggle out of his grip and dash towards him as Gale lifts his eyes towards me. I think he mumbles my name. "Stop!" I screech stepping in front of Gale and trying to block as much of him as I can with my lean body. The whip comes down anyways and a searing pain blazes across my cheek. I begin to see stars when Peeta screams my name. The Peacekeeper looks a little startled.

"I'll kill you!" Peeta shouts at the man in front of me as I clutch my cheek trying my hardest not to stumble and fall. Katniss has rushed over now and is brushing furiously at Gale's face. The Peacekeeper moves toward me. "Don't touch her!" Peeta shouts again gearing up to punch him in the face.

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