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They were shocked, to say the least. They looked absolutely terrified. I almost couldn't believe myself for a second. How reckless of me. Was I begging for them to kill me? Probably. I just didn't want the heat on Peeta. They would definitely remember what I had done, hopefully it was worse that what Peeta had down.

"You may go, Catora." Plutarch Heavensbee said forcefully. I nodded and smiled for good measure. I walked as calmly as I could out of the training center. As soon a I got into the elevator though I collapsed. My legs were shaking, my hands were shaking and I could almost feel tears welling up in my eyes. This was a dangerous game we were playing. A very dangerous game.

Peeta wasn't there when I entered the penthouse, in fact, nobody was there to great me. All the better. I ran to my room, locked the door then ran to the bathroom and locked myself away in there too. Then I was scrubbing away the berry juice, like it was blood. I was scared and frustrated. Eventually, the tears spilled over. I found myself gripping the edge of the sink crying lightly. Sniffling, I finished washing my hands before splashing water on my face.

I didn't leave my room until Peeta called me for dinner. I exited my room and found him sitting at the table already. I could tell he was itching to say something and I was to. But we waited until everyone was seated and eating before we started conversation.

"So, what did you do?" One look at Peeta's hands and I knew he had painted something. They were stained with colors and I knew he had showered by the dampness of his hair.

"You painted something right?" I asked almost excitedly. "They made this big show of covering it up on the floor. Peeta laughed lightly and nodded.

"I did, yeah."

"Did you paint Catora?" Effie asked lightly. I looked at her bewildered. Even Peeta looked a bit confused.

"Why would he paint me?" I asked her.

"To show them that he was going to protect you. That they can't tear you two apart." She said happily. Peeta smiled at me but shook his head.

"No, I drew.. Rue. You know, when she died and Catora put all the flowers around her." My throat closed up. He painted Rue. I've seen him draw her before. It was probably better in paint.

"Oh Peeta." Effie said, shaking her head. "Why would you do that?" She asked. I cleared my throat to get everyone attention. I didn't need to know Peeta's reasoning because it was probably the same as my own.

"I might have done something worse." I murmured. Peeta arched an eyebrow at me and Haymitch was interested enough to put down his knife and fork and lean in expectantly. "I hanged a dummy and painted Senca Crane on the front." Effie gasped so loudly I wouldn't have been surprised if I looked over and she had fainted.

When I did look over though Effie had the most horrified look I have ever seen on a person. Peeta was shocked but Haymitch, he was grinning. It almost made me want to smile too. Effie was sputtering. She wanted to know how I knew about Seneca. Portia looked stricken and Cinna was solemn. I knew he was disappointed and worried. Eventually, Effie left murmuring something about being sick.

"I should have lied." I mumbled, as Effie shut the door for her room.

"Did you two plan this?" Cinna asked calmly. Peeta and I shook our heads no vigorously.

"I had no idea.." I began as Peeta said, "We didn't even.." We both. Stopped and looked at each other. Haymitch smirked over his glass of wine.

"You two certainly are a pair." He muttered. Peeta snuck a glance at me but I was blushing at my food. Peeta cleared his throat

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