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Two wet cloths of snow later, we can finally see what Gale's back looks like underneath all the blood. You can see every lash on his back. Where it hit and where they crossed over. I cringe staring at it and Peeta wraps his arms around me from behind and places his chin on my shoulder. Katniss mom works like magic. In less time than I thought it might take she cleared the blood, rescued every piece of skin that she could, applied some sort of slave and then light bandages over that.

Blood slowly seeps into them as I watch Prim and her mother go through the pain killers they have and try to decide if they should use them or not. "He's unconscious still. He should be fine right?" I speak up for the first time. Their mother seems startled and look up at me.

"Yes. He should be fine for now." That's when Gale stirs.

"No. Gale. Stop it." I say lowly staring at him and willing him to fall back asleep. Katniss gasps and drops down near his head.

"Gale. Gale can you hear me." She questions touching his hair.

"Ka.." Je seems to be saying her name. More blood blossoms on his bandages.

"Katniss stop it!" I hiss grabbing her arm to pull her away but she won't budge he's speaking again.

"Ka.. Ka...Catora." I freeze and stare at him. He wasn't going to say her name. He was going to say mine.

"Gale." Katniss says confused.

"Catora." He repeats. I stare at Peeta and I can tell he's trying his hardest not to rip his head off. I look over at Katniss' mother and then Gale's. Everyone is still.

"It's Katniss." She says touching his cheeks.

"Catora." He breaths out before blacking out again. Katniss is still. I back up and away from her. I don't really know what I expected but it wasn't this. She attacked me. Turning swiftly and screeching she launched herself at me. With a cry I fell down and she pinned me to the ground. My head slammed against the floorboards.

"I knew it!" She screamed. I covered my face and she clawed at my arms. "Gale is in love with you! He never looks at me the way he looks at you!" Katniss screams hitting me continuously. There's a couple more shouts then Katniss' weight is pulled off of my middle and I'm hoisted up by Peeta. Haymitch has Katniss restrained and her mom is shouting at him to take her away. "I hate you! I hate you!" She screams. The door slams shut. I stare at it confused and upset. I was holding it back a little before but now I might just let it loose.

"She doesn't mean it." Peeta says gently but he's breathing in and out deeply. He's angry but trying not to show it because my best friend just told me she hated me and the other one lies on my dining room table covered in blood.

"I'm sorry." I whisper continuing to stare at the door. They have gone back to concentrating on Gale and Haymitch is shouting at Katniss outside. I can't hear what he's saying but it's probably nothing good.

"For what?" Peeta demands stepping in front of me. I slowly lift my eyes to meet his.

"Everything." I reply softly. He wraps me up in a giant hug and I put my arms around him slowly staring blankly at his dark jacket pressed against my cheek.

"Why everything? You haven't done anything." Peeta says quietly stroking my hair.

"It's my fault Gale is hurt. He got mad, stormed off must have found that turkey on the way in. It's my fault you're stuck with me. I wasn't interesting enough. You had to make me interesting. Now the Capitol is after us. A rebellion is starting. We're going to die. A lot of people are going to die, and it's all my fault." Peeta put my at arms length and forced me to look at him.

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