Save Him

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Then I'm bolting out the door, down the steps straight towards Haymitch. I burst through his front door and find him at the bar pouring himself a drink. The television is on indicating he heard the news. "Save him." I blurt out. Haymitch chuckles. "I'm not kidding right now Haymitch. Save him. If his name is called, volunteer. I don't care what you think. I don't care what he thinks. You have to save him." Peeta runs in right after I say this.

"Catora." He says slowly glancing over at Haymitch who is full blown laughing now.

"The gangs all here." He mutters holding his bottle up and bringing his glass around the end of the bar. To my surprise he hands it off to me and pours another for Peeta and then himself.

"I'm not drinking this." I mutter reminded of the burning aftertaste and numbing sensation. I really want to drink it though. Peeta plucks the glass from my hand.

"We're not here to drink." Peeta repeats before placing the glasses on the counter. Haymitch laughs again and downs his drink before taking mine and Peeta's with him to the living room. We follow him. He sits on an armchair while Peeta and I take the couch. I really wish Peeta hadn't taken the alcohol from me.

"So, you finally understand." Confused I look up at him. "Did you think they were ever going to let you go?" Haymitch questions. Peeta stiffens next to me.

"We were a distraction. It was what he wanted." I insisted.

"He never wanted a distraction! He wanted to kill you! Now he's taking it out on all of us." Haymitch grumbled.

"I didn't want this." I whispered. "I just didn't want Peeta to die." I continued. "You should have just let me kill myself." I finished. Peeta grabbed my hand.

"I wasn't going to watch you bleed out in front of me."

"We wouldn't be in this mess if one of us had just died!" I shouted at him, yanking my hand away.

"Is that what you want? For my family to hate yours or yours to hate mine? For one of our parents to bury us? There was no winning in that situation. There would be no us if it weren't for this."

"There shouldn't be an us in the first place!" Peeta stared at me shocked. He seemed at a loss for words. Then he did something I didn't expect, he got up and left, slamming the door to Haymitch's house shut behind him.

"Harsh sweetheart." Haymitch said, having clearly enjoying the exchange. I scoffed turning to glare at our mentor.

"I had to get him out of the room." I reply sharply. "Listen to me Haymitch. You're going into the arena with me. Peeta can not go in with me you got that?" I demand. Haymitch chuckles.

"Don't I get a say in this?"

"No." I reply immediately. "He lives. That's all I want." Haymitch smirked, shaking his head.

"You know you could do better."

"What? Better than Peeta?" I demanded.

"Be with that Gale guy. He seems like a strapping young fellow."

"I'm not in love with Gale, Katniss is. I'm in love with Peeta."

"I know, I know but Peeta? Really? The boy who was oblivious to your affections? The boy who needed coaching on how to love you? Are you even sure he wants to be with you? Are you sure he loves you?" I slammed the palms of my hands over my ears.

"Shut up Haymitch!" I growled. "If I don't have him I have nothing and I need him!" I barked out. Haymitch just stared at me while I tried to stop my hands from shaking too violently.

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