Peeta: Rapture Pt. One

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The sky is raining down on us. I don't know what happened but I know Catora had something to do with it. I could hear Finnick shouting at her. He was saying Remember who the real enemy is. I don't know what he means by that but I don't care anymore, he sliced open my arm.


Several things happened at once when Catora and Johanna walked away. They had been gone for maybe ten-fifteen minutes tops when the wire was suddenly pulled taut, like someone on their end was tugging it. Beetee had frowned and said something about it being caught on a piece of wood or the underbrush. He shrugged it off but Finnick was worried. And frankly, so was I.

Finnick began moving toward the part of the jungle Catora and Johanna had disappeared in. He touched the wire gingerly. Just as he turned to say something to me, it snapped.

The wire recoiled and rocketed past Finnick, probably nicking him as it moved by. The wire ended up bunched around Beetee's feet. "Catora!" I shout at the same time Finnick shouts,

"Johanna!" I rush toward Finnick's side and I'm about to run like hell through the jungle when he grabs me. I still, look at him and he seems to be trying to tell me something with his eyes but whatever it is, I'm not picking up on it. He lunges with one of his knives.

"Wait!" I exclaimed ducking out of the way and sidestepping him. He just comes at me again. "Finnick!" I shout. But he doesn't pay attention. With chilling realization, it occurs to me that Johanna and Finnick probably conspired to kill Catora and I. After everything we had done, all that we had been through, they were going to kill us. Catora and I wouldn't have done that. We were going to leave. I should have listened to her.

Finnick's trident grazes my side as I sidestep him again. I'm perplexed by his lack of accuracy. It's like he's trying to hurt me without causing too much damage. Does he want me to die slowly. Since I'm a bit stronger than he is, I manage to wrench the trident from his grip and toss it behind me. He still has a knife though but I have my own.

Then we're dogging, sliding on the ground. Beetee doesn't notice or doesn't care. He's fiddling with the wire still and my knife which Finnick knocked out of my hand a minute ago. Does he think he can kill us with it? Does he want to electrocute us?

"Peeta!" Catora screams. I whirl around, forgetting about Finnick for a second who gets the best of me, taking me down.

"Stop. I'm trying to help." He hisses, his blade dragging across the skin on my arm. I roll us over so I'm on top of him now.

"Doesn't look like it!" I shout at him.

"Peeta!" Catora screams again. Her voice makes my head turn and I become rigid. Finnick throws me off of him and then he's back on top of me, cutting a long gash into my arm.

"Catora!" I cry out as he starts digging the point of his knife around in my skin. He pops something out, my tracker. A canon booms and my eyes widen. What?

"Stay down." He mutters. Stay down? He cuts open his own arm, cringing as he does. His tracker comes out next. "I'll get them. I promise." Then he takes off, leaving me on the jungle floor bleeding. Should I be concerned? Am I going to bleed out? Why did he cut out my tracker? Why did he cut out his?

"Peeta!" Comes Catora's voice again, more strangled and scared. Does she think I've died? Where is she? Did Johanna hurt her? Did Finnick find her? I'll kill him. I'll kill anyone who touches her. I have to find her. I slowly sit up, seeing spots. I wait for them to clear before attempting to stand, which I do shakily.

"Johanna! Catora!" Finnick's voice rings out. I shake my head, trying to clear it a bit. I need to stop the bleeding in my arm. I strip a nearby tree of some moss and press it against the wound. Using a nearby vine, I tie the moss to my arm and glance over at Beetee. He has been furiously working with my knife and the wire this entire time. When I look at him, he has his arm raised to strike. But he's facing the force field, not me.

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