Third and Final Book

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Third Book Coming: 11/20/15 When the Movie comes out! See you then

Hey guys!!

So how was that ending? I guess you kind of expected it to happen right? But with Catora? Welllllll sorry! And then there the fact that Catora is the the one captured and in the Cage. Sorry. It's all very bad and sad.

Anyways! The next book will be called Hijacked and will move from Peeta to Catora's point before either becoming solidly Peeta's point of view or Catora's. I might throw in Katniss and Gale or any other point of view you guys want!

Here's the Information about it:

"I never loved you."

"I hate you! I hate you Catora!"

"Why'd you do it? Why did you kill me?"

"Catora! Catora please! Don't just leave me here! CATORA!"

I screamed so loud my throat became raw. None of this was real, it wasn't real. What were they doing to me! Even after I couldn't scream my mouth was frozen in shock, silent screams emanating from it. The Avox's returned and I was too stunned to even fight them. They threw my limp body back into the cage. I lay there, coughing and crying my eyes out.

"It's not real little Miss Girl on Fire, just remember that." Johanna said clearly bored. I didn't listen because it felt real. It had to be real. Peeta didn't love me and Katniss hated me. I killed everyone in my first Hunger Games and I left Rue to die.


"You promised to save her!" I screamed slamming my fists against the table. "Her not me! She's your Mockingjay! I'm nobody!"

"You're the one that's going to start the rebellion Peeta. You are somebody."

"Not without her I'm not."

So how does that sound?? Exciting right! I can't wait to explore Catora's time in the Cage and get Peeta's take on District 13 and the time he spends with Gale had Katniss.

All in all it's very exciting! If you've stuck with me for this long thank you. There's only be two books but the first one was 68 parts I think 😂 sorry! This one was a bit shorter though and the Third book will be about 68 parts as well since I get to talk about Catora's side while she's captured.

I'm excited to write a Hijacked for you guys and hope to see you here right after the movie comes out.

Thanks for reading! As always, leave comments about what you might like to see happen in the third book. Thank you!

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