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As it turns out Katniss didn't get much time with Gale. He passed out shortly after she came down. Walking out of the kitchen and into the small lounge area she asked us what he had said before hand. "I don't know I left him with Peeta." I replied. When the house woke up, which didn't take long, Katniss' mom and Prim set to work on making a snow coat for Gale which seemed to be working wonders. They also gave me something for my cheek. When I asked why Mrs. Everdean didn't put this on him last night she simply relies with,

"The wound needed to set." I don't really understand but what I think she's trying to say is that it was too raw yesterday. It might have made things worse instead of better. A sudden thought occurs to me when I glance at Prim and then Gale's mother.

"Hazelle where are the kids?" She glances over at me.

"I sent them back over to a friends yesterday." She murmurs glancing down at Gale again. I bite my lip, that's why the house was quiet.

"I'm not saying this is the best place for them to be with their brother in this state but.." I pause and glance out the window. "A storms blowing in. Would you like me to bring them here? Peeta and I can go get them." She looks like she might protest, but eventually she nods her head and gives us directions to her friends house. As Peeta and I leave, a slight dusting of snow begins to fall. I glance up at the sky warily.

"We better move quickly." I murmur. Peeta nods and we run through the rest of the Victor Village and down toward The Seam. We find the kids in no time and by the time I've placed Posy underneath my jacket for warmth and comfort, the wind is picking up and the snow has begun to fall faster. Peeta has picked up Vick and is holding him against his chest. Peeta and I both look at each other and then down at Rory.

"I'll be fine." He says but he's shivering already. Peeta strips off his jacket and despite Rory's protests, makes him put it on. Peeta wears a lighter jacket underneath the thicker one and a fleece shirt under that. He'll be fine, I hope, I'm a bit more worried about Vick.

"It's not far." Peeta reminds me as we take off in the storm. It's hard to see him with the wind whipping the snowflakes around, they're clouding my vision a bit. The scary moment is when I loose Rory and Peeta and my sense of direction. I freeze, stand completely still. I'm too afraid to continue on in fear I might be going the wrong way. I have no doubt about it that Peeta will notice my disappearance and double back for me.

"Peeta!" I shout but even my own voice is drowned out in the storm. Posy whimpers in my arms. I tuck my hood farther down around my head and check to make sure none of Posy is exposed before I move slowly through the streets. "Peeta!" I scream again. "Peet.." I don't finish calling his name because he nearly runs right into me. He's breathing heavily and looks half mad. He's gripping Rory's hand rather tightly, who also looks scared.

"I'm sorry." Is all he gets a chance to say before I grab his hand and we continue making our way back to the Victor Village.

The door slams open and I could have sworn it dented the wall. We're surrounded immediately. Peeta, Rory, and I can hardly speak. Our lips are blue and we're shaking like leaves. Vick is up and around despite not having much covering him and when Posy is lifted from my arms, we find her fast asleep, as warm as I was cold.

With chattering teeth and frost cold hands Peeta, Rory and I are seated in front of a roaring fire and handed something warm to drink. I think it's tea or maybe it's something Mrs. Everdean made. Rory is up before Peeta and I. He's brooding a bit because he wants to see his brother but no one will let him and I recover faster than Peeta.

It scares me a little. His hands still hold this slight blue tint like he might never get warm. I end up placing both of the blankets around me down on him. He tries to protest but his teeth are chattering and I can't understand.

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