Johanna: Deadly

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Catora could swim! What couldn't that girl do? I quickly made my way towards the Cornicopia where Finnick and Catora were situated, there was a lot of gesturing, flailing and shouting. Then Catora and Finnick ran the direction opposite from me. They were probably off to save wonder boy and the old women. I would catch up with them just as soon as I got myself a weapon.

Unfortunately, Brutus and Enobaria were there. I strutted toward them. Letting them know I wasn't afraid. "Are you going to join us District 4?" Brutus demanded gruffly. He was blocking my way to the axe's. My hands itched to hold one.

"Of course." I said menacingly. "Let's kill ourselves a District 12 tribute." I said, narrowing my eyes at Catora in the distance. Brutus let me pass, his mistake. As soon as I had an axe in my hand, there was no stopping me. One axe was bad, two was worse.

I sliced at Brutus and Enobaria who dodged my attacks and picked up their own weapons. "Johanna!" Someone shouted. I recognized the voice. Blight.

"Kind of busy over here!" I shouted back at him. As Enobaria lunged forward. I knocked her blade aside. Out of the corner of my eye, I watched someone sneak past Enobaria and Brutus.

"District 1!" Was Blight's reply. I didn't need to be told twice. Picking up a knife, I chucked one at Enobaria and another at Brutus, both missing their mark but creating the distraction I needed. I took off in the other direction as I watched Gloss and Cashmere storm toward us.

Running toward the sound of Blight's voice, I found him pulling Nuts from the water and helping her stand. "Good, you found Beetee." He murmured. I turn, startled to find Volts behind me. He had a knife in his back.

"He's hurt." Is all I say.

"We'll treat it later. Let's go." Blight says pointing Nuts in the right direction. I push Volts in front of me, making him run ahead. He's useless against an attack obviously.

The four of us race across the thin strip of rocks to the sandy beach and then into the forest. That's when I hand Blight an axe. He smiles lightly as we continue to run. "Thought you might keep them both to yourself." He joked.

"I'm not that heartless." I shout back to him. We continue running. It isn't until Nuts nearly collapses from exhaustion that we stop. I snort at the pitiful District 3 tributes. Blight and I both are a lot younger than them but it's hard to believe these sorry excuses even made it past the first day in their arenas.

"Now what are we going to do about the knife in my back?" Volts asks. I roll my eyes. He sounds so clam for someone whose been stabbed and has been loosing blood.

"Twist it. Push it in deeper." Blight shakes his head at me and moves toward Volts.

"I'll get it out." He tells him. I step forward.

"No, let me." Causing pain is a favorite past time of mine. I walk over, swiftly turn Volts around and yank out the knife. The blood flow increases and Blight, acting quickly pulls some moss off a nearby tree and presses it against his back.

"There we go." I say handing Volts the knife still covered in his blood. Blight is suggesting we rest until the blood flow stops but I won't have it.

"We have to meet up with Finnick." I insist.

"I want him as an ally before he's killed." I say, rolling my eyes. Who knows what Girl on Fire and Bread Boy are thinking right now. They might kill him to get it over with. Catora doesn't look like much but she is a ruthless killer when she has to be, I'll give her that.

"Well somebody is going to have to hold this against his back then." Blight says. I know he's not asking me and he doesn't want to do it himself. Nuts offers her services. Volts accepts it gratefully. That's when I notice the random coil of wire on the ground by his feet.

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