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I haven't told Katniss about it yet, or Gale. I haven't told them the cryptic words that man whispered to me the night the Victory Tour ended. I've been stalling really. I didn't know how I was going to say it or if I should say it at all.

Before the Reaping Day, what seems like years ago but was only about six months, Gale had talked about leaving. Running, and never looking back. He had mentioned it so many times before and I always argued with him about it. There was no way. No way we could make it. Now all  I wanted to do was run and keep running.

I pulled on some thick socks and tugged on my fitted boots over that. The pants I was wearing were insulated and comfortable enough. I wouldn't be running in them. Not now anyways but if I needed too I could. I buttoned up a warm jacket with fur lining before putting on my gloves. Grabbing my knapsack I brushed my hair out of my eyes and headed down the stairs. It was a bit stuffy in here. The houses have some sort of heating system that blocks out all the cold air outside.

So when I step out onto the walkway of my house the icy wind hits me and I shiver a little before shutting my door and making my way across the Victory Village and out towards the gate. Peeta waves at me from his house and I smile and wave back. He would come with me but Gale and him don't exactly get along.

They get on each others nerves and snap at each other all the time. Despite how softhearted they are and how untempermented, they seem to rub each other the wrong way. Even when they don't speak to each other the air around our small group is tense and both of them reply with short clipped sentences.

I tried to convince Peeta to at least try and be friends with him but he shook his head. "I see the way he looks at you." He mutters. "I know you told me he was in love with you but.." he stops and grinds his teeth. "I didn't expect that. I can't look at him without wanting to rip his head off." he growls slightly.

"Peeta, he's one of my best friends."  I remind him a bit sadly. He loosens his shoulders and just pulls me closer to him before kissing the top of my head.

"I know, but I can't do this Catora. I'm sorry. I tried." he murmurs. I yelled at Gale after this but he just stood there and sort of took it. When I finished he opened his mouth and said,

"I'm not going to say sorry because I'm not. I loved you before you were the Girl on Fire. He only loved you after." I opened my mouth to argue with him but nothing came out. I must have looked like a fish gasping for air. He seemed pleased by this and grinned mischievously before walking over and leaning down to kiss my cheek. He walked away. We haven't talked about it since.

I sighed when I reached the fence, watching small wisps of my breath twist and turn in the air before disappearing. I stare at the fence in front of me. Even after all these years I pause and listen for the sound of electricity coursing through it. I crawl through it after doing a quick look around and wrap my arms around myself and quickly make my way into the woods. There won't be much out here at this time of the year but I don't take any chances as I stop by the hollow log and dig around for my bow.

Pulling it free, I sling the quiver around my back and hold the bow tightly in a clenched fist at my side. I step lightly hearing the snow, what little of it has fallen, crunch beneath my feet. I quickly checked that my bag had everything I had intended to bring. I packed it the morning before, but I just had to make sure.

Gloves, for everyone, some candy, money. Candy had sort of become a regular thing I would buy for the kids. Posy liked suckers, Vick liked peppermints, Prim liked caramel and Rory tried to pretend he didn't like any of it but I always saw him with taffy in his mouth. Gale and Katniss didn't much care for it so I would bring fresh fruit. Right now that included oranges, apples, and peaches. I found out the name of the fuzzy fruit in the Capitol. I had tried to ask the Avox's about it but of course they couldn't reply. It was one of the cooks who eventually answered all my questions about the kind of food they serve at all those elaborate parties we've been too.

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