Sonnota: Sacrifices

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The water is cold, so cold. I hate it but I have to get out and find Moralis. I struggle against the waves almost feebly. My arms are skin and bone so it's a wonder how I'm even treading water right now. I finally manage to haul myself up I not the thin strip of land and immediately scan the Cornucopia for Moralis. He's supposed to meet up with me so we can get out of here and find that girl. The one with the beautiful hair and even prettier smile. Catora.

For some reason, she wanted us as allies. I don't know why. Two drug addicts who can barely hold their own against a strong wind doesn't sound like the kind of allies you would want. She only knows us by Morphlings and that's okay. That's all we are after all.

Skin, bones and the drug Morphling.

That's when I see him. Moralis. I shout his name, waving my skinny arms in the air. I need to get his attention. I need to... Someone has spotted me. I am just standing here, defenseless after all. It's Gloss. I think he's coming to kill me. I gasp but I don't know where to go, where to run. I still haven't caught Morilas' attention. So I scream his name.

"Morilas!" His head turns immediately, blond head whipping around. He runs toward me, across the rocks that the Cornucopia sits on. But he won't be fast enough, Gloss will get here first. So I run in the opposite direction. Too little too late though.

I've always been fast but I haven't ran anywhere in years. That, combined with years of drug abuse have slowed me down even further. I've just hit the sand when I hear Gloss' animalistic growl. I turn around swiftly, ready to face my death.

That's when Morialis reaches me and jumps onto Gloss' back. I gasp and stumble back as I watch Morialis wrench the knife free from Gloss, the one he was going to use to kill me. Then Morialis is off his back and on the ground near me in nearly one swift motion.

We're all breathing heavily, unsure of what to do. I'm amazed by Morialis, he's a druggie but he is younger than me. It shouldn't be a surprise that he managed to gain some of the strength he had lost. "Run." Is all he says and it's enough to send me flying.

Gloss doesn't follow us, either because he doesn't want to, being weapon less and all, or because there was more of a fight going on back by the Cornucopia. Morialis and I continue to run through the jungle, ducking under vines and jumping over fallen trees. We're heading forward and then veering to our left, deeper into the jungle.

"Wait! Wait?" Moralis finally shouts, exhausted. I turn around and find him bent over, hands on knees, catching his breath. He's still holding that knife and I shiver at the thought of it buried in my abdomen. He laughs a little and I wonder what's funny. "You're fast for someone your age."

"It's how I won my games." I reply but he already knows this. I was one of his mentors after all. Moralis and I sit on s log together, assessing the situation we're in. I had only caught a glimpse of Catora as she ran off with Finnick but I saw them heading into the jungle down to our right and that's where I suggest we go.

"How do you know they'll stay in that area?" Moralis asks. I shake my head.

"I don't." He just shrugs and stands when I do.

"It's better than nothing." I hear him murmur. "Do you want me to cover our backs?" He asks. I nod my head but we soon find out that the jungle is too thick for that. Morialis opts for going ahead of us and chopping up the foliage.

We haven't gone very far when a loud growl is heard. Moralis and I look up and around, confused. The animal, whatever it was, sounded angry. It also sounded vaguely familiar. We kept moving but thirty minutes later, we heard it growl again. This time, closer. I became paralyzed with fear as I began recalling what it sounded like.

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