two ⸝⸝ bento

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- September 7th, Friday.

The next day, at school, (y/n) sulked in her chair as she took notes on Shadis's instruction

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The next day, at school, (y/n) sulked in her chair as she took notes on Shadis's instruction. The reason she was sulking was because Jean kept pestering her. Every time Shadis turned around to write something on the chalk board, Jean would kick (y/n)'s chair, causing her to jerk forward.

She grumbled under her breath as her chair moved forward and then back for millionth time that day. Suddenly, her chair tilted back and (y/n) flailed her arms in the air, her legs being suspended in the air as the chair leaned back on its two back legs. 

Jean snickered and pushed the chair forward, her stomach making impact with the desk's edge. It caused her to cough uncontrollably and clutch her stomach, she felt bile rise to her throat as if she was about to throw up.

Regardless, she covered her mouth and pushed the feeling down, continuing to write her notes. If you ignore it, it'll go away, she told herself as Jean continued kicking her chair. Finally, the bell rings and (y/n) jumps out of her chair excitedly. 

Shadis calls (y/n) and Jean to his desk as soon as the bell rings, causing (y/n) to sulk even more. "Did you help him study, (y/n)?" Shadis asked once the two got to his desk. (y/n) reluctantly nodded and Shadis eyed her suspiciously. "Not feeling well?"

(y/n) glances at Jean, shooting him a glare. He sticks his tongue out at her and (y/n) turns back to Shadis. "I'm okay, sir, just a bit nauseated." 

Shadis nods and dismisses the two, but to (y/n)'s dismay, Bertolt wasn't waiting for her in the hallway. (y/n) sucks in an unsteady breath and sulks even more, if that's possible, as she walks towards her locker. 

She turned around to look over her shoulder when she heard laughing and Jean and Marco were walking right behind her, talking about something seemingly funny, judging by the way Jean was persistently smiling and laughing. 

(y/n) found his laugh annoying and she got why everyone called him horseface. He really did resemble a horse. Regardless, she thought donkeyface was more befitting. Perhaps she'd call him that. She smirked to herself at the thought as she entered the cafeteria. 

This time, Armin stood up on his chair and waved at (y/n) with both of his hands, causing everyone to turn their gaze to (y/n) and Armin. She sheepishly smiled and walked to the trios' table, sitting down beside Mikasa like she usually does. "(y/n), I made you a bento!" Eren exclaims, pulling out a bento box from his bag and sliding it to (y/n) along with chopsticks. 

"Wh-why..." (y/n) struggled to find words. "T-thank you." She scratched her heated cheeks, opening the bento box. 

"Mikasa told me you buy food from the cafeteria on Fridays and Mondays so I made you a bento today!" He grins at (y/n) just as Jean walks past the table. 

"What a simp," he sneers at Eren as he sits down at his usual table with Marco, Sasha and Connie. Eren glares at Jean but decides to ignore him.

"I was wondering why you asked me about (y/n)'s lunch." Mikasa says softly as she elegantly eats her food, her eyes trained on her lunch box.

"Why would you make me a bento?" (y/n) asks Eren as she peers down at the perfectly organized bento box. Beef Teriyaki, spinach with bonito and street corn with some white rice sat perfectly in their orderly sections. "Woah, did you make this?" 

Eren smiles sheepishly and nods, scratching the back of his neck and looking down at the table. "I-I made it because I wanna be friends with you." He stutters out. "So... Why not?" 

(y/n) gives him a small smile and begins eating it. It tasted perfect to (y/n), she loved how the beef melted in her mouth and how the corn wasn't too sweet or too bitter. Eren watched (y/n) eat the food, a proud smile on his face. That is, until the food was knocked to the floor. 

Eren's smile turned into a frown as he glared up at the tall figure behind (y/n), causing her to follow his line of sight. Jean stood there with a grin on his face. "Whoops," he scratches his cheek. "Should've seen where I was walking." He waves his hand. "It's okay, it probably tasted like cow shit anyway," he says to (y/n) triumphantly. 

Eren gets out of his seat but Mikasa gets up first and holds him back by his shoulders, (y/n) could've sworn she heard Eren growling. "Jean, could you please stop bothering us, Eren's already going through enough." 

"You're still not over your dad leaving you?" Jean teases Eren. Eren pushes Mikasa backwards, causing her to fall back on her butt as Eren bolts out of his chair and appears behind (y/n) where Jean stood. 

In a flash, Eren was punching Jean but Jean quickly shoved Eren down onto the ground and began throwing punches at his face while straddling him. (y/n) jumped in without thinking, wrapping her arms around Jean's waist and pulling him back. Jean topples backwards, landing in her lap with (y/n)'s arms around his waist. 

He stops struggling and his eyes go wide as he feels heat rush to his cheeks. He pushes (y/n)'s arms aside and gets off of her, his anger vanishing in a second. (y/n) rolls her eyes and helps Eren get off the floor, Mikasa puts her arm around Eren's shoulder and helps him to the infirmary, again. 

Armin bites his lip and gives (y/n) an apologetic look, following the siblings out of the cafeteria. (y/n) turns to glare coldly at Jean, who had his fingers pressed to his bottom lip. He withdrew his fingers to reveal blood. When Eren punched him, his top teeth accidentally bit down on his bottom lip. Jean hissed at the pain and (y/n) suddenly felt pity for him. 

"Uh, you should go to the infirmary," (y/n) squeaked. Jean turned his icy glare to her and rolled his eyes before opening his mouth to speak.

"Well, no shit. Thanks, Sherlock," Jean spat aggressively, causing (y/n) to stiffen and bite her lip in regret. She turns away from Jean, trying her best to block out his rude behavior as her stomach rumbles, begging for food.

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