seven ⸝⸝ thoughts

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- September 10th, Monday.

(y/n) wondered why she was always the one that got cursed

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(y/n) wondered why she was always the one that got cursed. Not only had last night been spent in a fit of panic and anxiety, but today, she had been cursed with detention.

She had gotten detention before, but that was middle school. She was doing her best to keep detention off of her attendance for high school, because she wanted to impress her parents that worked so hard to get her a scholarship.

She let's out a sigh, head buried in her arms as she slouches against her desk. The class is quiet, and every so often, she looks up to glance at Shadis, who is doing paperwork at his desk.

The bald man paid no attention to his star student, clearly disappointed in her.

Soon, the door opens and the boy that got (y/n) into detention struts in like he owns the place, which only ticks the girl off even more.

"Having a good day, Shadis?" He questions snarkily. The teacher looks up at him with a glare, his jaw clenched in anger. Jean throws his hands up in surrender. "Okay, okay, no need to be so hostile! Jeez..."

His gaze turns to the (h/c) haired girl sitting at her table and observing the scene with an amused look in her eye.

The moment she notices Jean's stare, she goes back to putting her head down on her desk and slouching against it.

She doesn't see Jean walk past her and take a seat behind her, in his usual desk. She didn't need to see, she feels as if looking at him will only attract more trouble.

And to her relief, everything stayed peaceful till the end of detention.

A smile painted on her pretty face, she picks up her back from the floor and slings it over her sore shoulder, ignoring the slight sting. She begins to walk out of Shadis's classroom until the aforementioned teacher stops her.

"(y/n), you need to tutor him today, it's monday, remember?" Shadis reminds her.

"Yes, sir," she grins at him, just glad to be out of detention. He gives her a slightly lopsided smile and when his favorite student leaves, he begins to lecture Jean because he was late.

"You need to stop with the drama," Shadis scoffs, disappointed with Jean's behavior. "Your fat fuck parents will pay for your bad grades but they won't pay for that girl's. She works hard, unlike you, so stop it."

Jean was slightly taken aback, but he was used to the insults his parents got at this point. He didn't care, he knew his parents were scummy. At least, his father and stepmother. That's who he lived with since middle school.

Jean stays silent in front of Shadis. If there's one thing that his mother taught him, it's that silence is always a valid answer.

He got dismissed from detention, and to his relief, Marco was waiting right outside.

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