fourteen ⸝⸝ hickey

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- September 21st, Friday.

Red and blue seemed perfect together, but a shade of yellow was trying to jut it's way into the painting

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Red and blue seemed perfect together, but a shade of yellow was trying to jut it's way into the painting. And all you get when you mix these three colours is a muddy brown.

The two awoke at the sound of (y/n)'s alarm going off. Jean groaned, rubbing his sore back, as he got up from the floor.

(y/n) got up and looked at Jean in bewilderment, her eyes widening briefly. Jean turned the alarm off and glanced at the bong, then, realization dawned on him.

"We probably got high," he mumbles to himself. "Are you okay?" He asks the girl, whose eyes were wide as she stared at something on her phone.

She looked up at the boy briefly and nodded, then turned her gaze back to her phone, where she had the painting open. The painting on Jean's wall.

Jean looks down at the palm of his hand as he pockets his weed. "(y/n)... said..." Jean squints his eyes at the shaky handwriting. "No... drugs...?"

(y/n) turns to look at Jean, her memory began to kick in a bit. "Oh, you wrote that on your hand... I don't remember why."

Jean scoffs, but the corner of his lips tug up in a small smile as he turns away. "Whatever, see you at school," he waves over his shoulder as he grabs the bong and exits the room.

As much as he didn't want to go be alone, he had to.

(y/n) sat down on her bed, continuing to stare down at the photo on her phone. The familiar fuzzy and warm feeling returned to her, and she hated it a lot, she realized.

Pushing her thoughts aside, she quickly got ready for school, and made her way to class. Shadis had returned now, and he'd given more time for the project since he knew his students were mourning Marco still. The whole school seemingly adored the freckled brunette.

The lesson drowned out (y/n)'s overthinking for a while, but she found her eyes wandering to the door every so minutes. She knew who she wanted to walk through the door, but she didn't admit it to herself directly.

When Jean finally walked into the classroom, two hours late, her face immediately lit up at the sight of him. He looked a bit more dishevelled since the last time she'd seen him, and it almost looked as if there was a purple bruise on his neck.

He sighs and walks to his seat, ignoring Shadis's piercing glare. He had gotten into a fight with a few of Porco's friends because he beat up Porco a week or so ago, and he really wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone now.

"What's that on your neck?" (y/n) immediately turned around to face him, pointing to the obvious bruise. Now that he was close, she could see it more clearly.

"A hickey," Jean lies, but his hand instinctively covers the purple circle on his skin. "Idiot... Just because you're a virgin... doesn't mean I am."

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