twelve ⸝⸝ bong

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- September 14th, Friday.

(y/n) set down her bag under her desk as she took a seat, a piercing headache gnawing at her head

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(y/n) set down her bag under her desk as she took a seat, a piercing headache gnawing at her head. She was extremely hungover, but still managed to attend school, not wanting an extra absent on her report card.

The memories of last night were hazy in her mind, all she could recall were bits of trivial info that were no help at all.

Like hazel eyes reflecting moonlight.

Like feverish kisses against her lips and face.

She didn't know what had exactly happened, but she knew Mikasa, Jean, and Eren were involved, as they're in her last clear memory; right before they headed out to Floch's party.

(y/n) told herself to ask Eren or Mikasa about what happened last night, she would've asked Mikasa this morning but she wasn't in the dormroom.

Of course, she was with Eren.

(y/n) played with her pens and pencils as Nile Dawk lectured the class. (y/n) willed for her headache to go away, but it was still prevalent no matter how many coins she threw into her wishing well.

Worse of all, she had skipped breakfast that morning and was currently running on a can of redbull. Too drained to function properly, she continued gazing at the chalkboard in a daze.

The familar ash-haired boy walked into the vicinity an hour later, head hung low, experiencing his own hangover which was equally as bad as (y/n)'s.

He was late, as usual, and at this point no one really cared enough to even give him a late slip or detention.

He sat down at his desk behind (y/n), his hangover suddenly vanishing at the thought of bothering the unsuspecting, and obviously hungover, (h/c) haired girl.

She hadn't even noticed Jean walk in, too lost in her own world of anime foods.

Suddenly, her chair lurched backwards and she slightly flailed her arms in the air in panic. She heard Jean's familiar snicker after he let go of her chair, causing her to fall forward and hit her head on her desk.

The commotion caught the dark-haired supply teacher's attention and he lazily turned his head to them. He rolls his eyes and continues his lesson, not really caring about what the students were up to.

(y/n) turns around, giving Jean a glare accompanied by a scowl, "Can you don't," she says in a serious tone.

"Shiver me timbers," Jean says sarcastically. "Did you do the assignment?"

"What fucking assign--" She cuts herself off when she remembers she had to research on Orpheus and Eurydice's story. She mentally slaps herself at her stupidity. That's why you shouldn't party on weekdays.

"Dumb bitch," Jean mutters under his breath, a smirk lights up his face when (y/n)'s scowl deepens.

"You have a bad coping mechanism," (y/n) spits at Jean before turning around and facing the black board, only to blank out again.

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