twenty one ⸝⸝ pork

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- October 9th, Wednesday.

Sitting down in class, the boring lesson was almost over

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Sitting down in class, the boring lesson was almost over. (y/n) couldn't focus, take notes, or even make sense of whatever the teacher was talking about.

All she could think about was last night. Jean had asked her to help him get with Mikasa. She didn't know what to say or how to react, so she told him she'd think about it.

Though, Jean wasn't in class today. For a second, (y/n) thought he had gone back to the old him, but he didn't show up to school at all.

In fact, (y/n) didn't catch sight of him after school either. She didn't even get a text from him.

She thought of texting him herself, but decided to give him space with whatever he was busy with instead.

(y/n) felt bitter. She had thought that Jean was going to tell her how much he likes her. But she fooled herself into a delusion. Of course, he's in love with and always will be in love with her perfect raven haired roommate.

It was so evident that Mikasa liked Eren, so, why was Jean even after her in the first place? (y/n) had no idea.

"(y/n), who do you think we should choose from Marley?" Hitch asked (y/n), causing her to jolt out of her thoughts. "This girl, I forgot her name but her last name's Finger... Or this really cute guy named Pork... or something? I forgot his last name. But he's this really hot blondie."

"Why not both? We can have five, right?"

"Right! Great idea! I'll fit the girl into your dorm and the other guy with Jean, since he needs another..." Hitch talked and talked and talked, but it was something (y/n) really liked about the girl. She didn't have to initiate a conversation because Hitch always knew what to talk about.

"How have you been, by the way?" Marlo asked as Hitch drawled on in the background.

"Good," (y/n) replies with a grateful nod of her head. "You?"

"Pretty okay," Marlo replied with a tight-lipped smile. "Glad you're doing better than how me and Hitch met you. Trust me, you looked so down then."

"Yeah, I'm fine now," she returned the smile.

"What was it about, anyway?"

"Boy problem, I bet," Hitch butted into the conversation. (y/n) was glad no one was in the gymnasium anymore. If someone overheard, she'd die of embarrassment.

"Is she right, (y/n)?" Marlo asked in a teasing tone, causing the girl to tense up and fight an eager blush.

"Which one was it? Yeager, right? Bro, he's a fuckboy. Do. Not. With him." Hitch made a motion to her neck, as if she was karate chopping it. "Mans fucked me and left without even giving me a kiss. It felt horrible."

"Yikes," Marlo crinkled his nose in disgust. "Anyways, if it's Eren, it's probably best to let it go."

"It's not Eren," (y/n) felt disgusted by the thought of being close to that boy. Sure, he was attractive, but his demeanour was so snobby and egotistical.

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