five ⸝⸝ whale

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- September 8th, Saturday.

It took some time for (y/n) to get adjusted to the warm breeze brushing against her bare skin, but Mikasa held her hand tightly and led her out from behind the van, reassuring her about her beauty and perfect figure

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It took some time for (y/n) to get adjusted to the warm breeze brushing against her bare skin, but Mikasa held her hand tightly and led her out from behind the van, reassuring her about her beauty and perfect figure. (y/n) felt safe with Mikasa, she really was grateful for a friend like her.

Everyone had changed into their swimsuits and (y/n) resisted the urge to eye everyone. Her eyes landed on Jean, he's in shorts now and the sun bounces off his earrings and thin chain perfectly, making him sparkle in the slightest. 

Jean stares back at (y/n) with a blank face, no thoughts in either of their minds as they look each other up and down. Jean scoffs and turns away, walking towards the shoreline with his arms crossed over his chest in a defensive manor.

(y/n) furrowed her brows in confusion and turned to Mikasa. "Do you think he hates me?" (y/n) asks her best friend, who was clutching her hand as she led her to the shoreline, where everyone else was laughing, splashing water on each other.

"Who cares if he does?" Mikasa looks back at (y/n) for a second. "He's irrelevant." She shrugs in the slightest. A warm but small smile lights up (y/n)'s face and she feels the cool waters graze her feet and ankles as she steps into the water with Mikasa.

Suddenly, water is thrown on her face and she grits her teeth, looking at who threw it. Eren crouched in front of (y/n), his hands in the water and a huge grin on his face. Before (y/n) can react, he splashes more water on her face and chuckles.

"Oi, stop it," Mikasa interjects, letting go of (y/n)'s hand. He frowns and gets up, running his fingers through his now wet hair. 

"Let's see how far we can go, (y/n)," Eren smirks. "Before the sharks attack us," he giggles. (y/n)'s face lights up and she nods. "You and me versus Jean and Connie!" He announces in a loud tone. "Y'all are gonna eat my ass once we're done." 

"Kinda sus," Sasha scratches her chin with a smug smile on her face. 

"Calm down, Jamal," Annie adds. "It's not that deep."

Eren sticks his tongue out at Annie, who stares back at him blankly and tucks a lock of blonde hair behind her ear. "Your ego is way too big, Eren," Jean butts into the conversation. "Because me and Connie," he slings his arm around Connie's shoulder as he points his thumb at himself with a wide smirk. "Are definitely gonna win."

"Yeah, I'm not going to lose to a woman," Connie flexes his thin arms as if he's a muscular athlete and grins, making (y/n) snort as she tried to suppress the laughter in her chest. Before Jean and Eren could get into an argument, (y/n) grabs Eren by his wrist and begins to lead him deeper into the water. 

She glances over her shoulder and sees Mikasa staring at her with a hint of determination in her eyes. (y/n) wanted to impress Mikasa desperately all of a sudden and she smiles back at her best friend, whose cheeks flush a little as she looks down at the clear waters. 

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