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- five years later

The two of them had never imagined how far they'd come in life

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The two of them had never imagined how far they'd come in life. Despite their ups and downs, countless fights and quarrels, (y/n) sat at her steering wheel, reminiscing about all the times they'd had over the past five years. 

Exactly five years. 

She was exhausted but still found the energy to buy her beloved roses on the way home. She walked to the door with them in her hand and quietly unlocked it in case him and the baby were asleep.

But to her surprise, the man sat on the sofa, candles lit up and a dinner set on the table. 

After they had had a baby, Jean was more than happy to become a stay-at-home husband. And though they were not officially married, they treated each other like they were.

Jean glanced up at her, he was clad in a white button up and tight jeans. The top two buttons were undone, exposing his well-built chest. Of course, he always stayed in shape despite the years that had gone by. 

She smiled at him, watching him get up from the sofa and saunter to her. He didn't take his eyes off her, and that look he had in his eyes, she had come to know all too well. 

"Hey baby," he greets her, taking the flowers from her hands. "They're so pretty, thank you," his smile only grew wider, just like the tint on his cheeks. 

She loved how she could still make him embarrassed. 

The two had dinner quickly, the same thing on their minds: to get in bed together. And she could tell he wanted it really bad. It had been a month since they'd done anything, she didn't feel ready after her newborn. 

But now she was definitely more than ready, and little baby Marco was sound asleep in his room. 

After dinner, (y/n) took a quick shower while Jean wiped down the table and washed the dishes. He was respectful towards (y/n) because he knew she worked long and hard even through the pregnancy, and he felt he should give back to her.

Especially because it was his idea to have a child, she was a little against it because of all the stories she'd heard pertaining to kids being the reason why marriages fall apart. But so far, the bond between them had only strengthened.

(y/n) caught sight of Jean on the bed as soon as she left the bathroom, which made her smile. "I'm gonna go check on Marco," she says, exiting their room and going to the baby's room. There wasn't much decoration in the room besides some furniture and toys.

They weren't sure on the baby's gender and they didn't want to make their baby feel like he had to stick to the gender he was assigned at birth.

Marco slept soundly in his crib, he had the habit of sleeping on his stomach, which was a habit Jean had as well. The similarities she saw between them made her so happy. 

When she got back to her room, Jean was still where she had left him. He smiled up at her excitedly as she closed the door, he was anticipating the same thing she was.

They both somehow felt this night was different than the others. They loved each other more than anything, and somehow, their bond lasted for so long despite the problems they faced. They even broke up at one point but got back together a few months later.

It was as if Jean never let her down. When she thought everything was done for, everything was wrong and dreadful, this man would always come in and save everything all at once. And she felt so at peace with him.

Nothing in the world could tear apart what they have. She was so proud.

And Jean felt the same exact way. He thought of this girl as his saviour. She hadn't just saved him once, or twice, but multiple times, and she continues saving him from his own depression. He felt so at ease with her, as if he could battle anything as long as her hand was interlocked with his own.

The kisses really never did stop.

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