twenty two ⸝⸝ gorgeous

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very much trigger warning in this chapter. a summary will be provided next chapter for my babes that are sensitive 💕💕
love u all hope u like the book so far. theres a long way to go.


- October 12th, Saturday.

She hadn't heard from Jean again on Thursday and Friday, and even today, he was nowhere to be found

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She hadn't heard from Jean again on Thursday and Friday, and even today, he was nowhere to be found. She'd sent him a text, but it seemed as if his phone had been turned off because the text remained on sent. She wondered why he kept disappearing, and when she went home after school, she hoped Jean would drop by, even if it was for Mikasa.

She'd be lying if she said she didn't miss him. For some reason, their last encounter only left her more desperate for him.

As she walked through the busy mall with Hitch, she promised herself that she'd go visit his dorm room on Monday if she still didn't hear from him.

Monday was also the day that the transfer students would come in.

Hitch pulled (y/n) into almost every store they came across, her arm hooked with (y/n)'s. She'd forced (y/n) to come with her since she wanted to buy something for the Halloween formal their school did every year. (y/n) never attended, she always stayed home with Mikasa and watched a movie.

But this year, Hitch and Marlo made sure (y/n) had to come. The main reason being that she was on the Student Council now and it was important for the planners to attend. The second reason was that they were wholly committed to making (y/n) feel better.

They'd noticed how she'd been moping around because of Jean.

(y/n) was too dense to realize how much her two new friends cared about her.

Halloween décor had already been hung up, even though Halloween was so far away. Ghosts, lanterns and orange streamers lined most shops. (y/n) couldn't lie, she loved Halloween. Mainly because of the candy.

She wished to go trick-or-treating, though, even though she was probably too old for it now.

Hitch sifted through a few bunny-girl costumes. "These are so cute," Hitch mused, holding one up to (y/n). "Let's try them on!" She plucked another one off the rack and pulled her towards the changing rooms.

The costume fit tightly against (y/n)'s body. It made her feel uncomfortable, especially because it showed off her figure. She decided to not show Hitch, mainly because she knew Hitch would force her to wear it with her anyway.

Hitch looked stunning in the costume, it accentuated her curves and made her look like a doll. Although she was upset at first, she quickly understood why (y/n) didn't want it. To (y/n)'s surprise, Hitch decided to not buy the bunny girl costume since she wanted to match with (y/n).

"Why don't we both dress up as Bratz dolls?" Hitch offered, which (y/n) thought was a good idea. They ended up finding perfect costumes. (y/n) decided to go as Yasmin while Hitch decided on Cloe.

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