twenty five ⸝⸝ cold

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- October 18th, Friday.

Yall... I'm sorry this is chapter is so short. I'll try to update more often. I'm just having trouble writing because it's SO MUCH WORK I WISH I COULD JUST THINK OF WORDS AND THEY'D APPEAR ON THE SCREEN FUCK-


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When she awoke, she saw Jean's face right in front of her. But thats wasn't what made her shoot up into a seating position. It was the fact that Jean looked too pale. Too sick. And he was shivering.

(y/n) pressed her fingertips to Jean's forehead delicately. His skin is soft but cold to the touch. There's no blanket on him, she realized.

She quickly draped it over his body in an attempt to make him warmer, but it obviously wasn't working. She clicked her tongue, glancing at the heart monitor briefly.

It beeped steadily, but Jean obviously wasn't okay if he was ice cold.

She huffed and got under the blanket, getting as close to Jean as she could. The dim lights were enough to show her how close his face was to hers now. But that didn't really matter right now, as embarrassing as the situation was for her.

Wrapping one of her arms around his waist and the other under and around his neck, she held him close to her. She noticed how his heart rate picked up a little.

She smiled to herself triumphantly but the tenseness never left her.

Jean shifted beside her, his legs moving to twine with her own, and his body curling into hers as if asking for more of her body's warmth. She thought it was adorable.

His warm breath made contact with her skin, tickling her slightly. He only seemed to shift closer and closer to her, and for a second, she wondered if he was awake.

"Jean?" She didn't intend for her voice to come out as a soft whisper, but it did.

He didn't reply. It was obvious that he was fast asleep. Her tense body relaxed a little as she slowly moved her hand to his hair. She had always wanted to touch it. Her fingers weaved through it, his hair's soft and free of any tangles.

She was woken up about an hour later by the nurse, who had come in to perform a check-up. She immediately jumped out of the bed, away from Jean, who was still sound asleep. She sighed in relief. But a new stress sprouted in her mind.

She had missed so many lessons at school. Sure, she had Hitch and Marlo tutoring her every now and then to help her catch up, but it won't be enough to pass her final exams. She quickly gathered her things and left, checking the time. She would be late to class, but it would be better than nothing.

(y/n) left Jean a text, explaining where she had gone, and went straight to class. Upon arrival, the teacher looked at her with sympathy and motioned for her to sit down with a warm smile. She was glad she wasn't going to get yelled at. 

As she took notes, she kept glancing back, expecting Jean to be there. But, of course, he wasn't. He was in the hospital.

An hour into class, her phone vibrated with a text. And she swiped to unlock it, seeing Jean's name pop up. 

Oh, okay... that's fine ig.
are u gonna come back tho?

yeah, i'll be back after school.
if u want.

i do :)

The small exchange made her smile down at her phone. Jean seemed to be in a way better mental state, and she was more than happy to see it. The only thing that had her down was how he clung to Mikasa despite her lack of empathy for him. 

It hurt, but she brushed it aside. What mattered was him being safe and happy.

At lunch, she sat with Marlo and Hitch, who were beyond happy to see her.

"You look like you got enough sleep, for once," Hitch says to (y/n) with a wide smile. "I'm so happy for you, girl."

Marlo scrunched his nose at Hitch's behavior towards (y/n). He thought it was... Well... Cringe. Hitch certainly didn't care. She just wanted (y/n) happy. And of course, Marlo wanted that to. But he just wanted the cringe moments gone.

Despite that, the three of them had a good day, and (y/n) couldn't wait to get back to the hospital. 

She walked into the hospital to find Jean sitting on the bed, smiling at the woman sitting with him. It was none other than the raven-haired girl that he was so in love with. Jean's eyes flickered to (y/n) at the sound of the door, and his smile faltered a little. 

(y/n) maintained her smile, greeting the pair happily before stepping outside, where Eren sat. How had she not noticed him before? Perhaps because he had his hood up. He looked up at her briefly, green eyes shining more than usual. 

"What's wrong?" (y/n) asked him with a frown. He shook his head in dismissal. (y/n) didn't feel like putting effort into asking him. Or making him feel better, so she just turned on her heel to leave.

When Eren stopped her, grabbing a hold of her wrist tightly. He looked up at her with wide eyes, almost pained. "We should go out to make them jealous." He says, desperation painted all over his face.

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