twenty seven ⸝⸝ cpr

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- October 21, Monday.

"Girl what the fuck happened?" Hitch hisses under her throat, eyeing (y/n) head to toe with worry evident in her eyes

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"Girl what the fuck happened?" Hitch hisses under her throat, eyeing (y/n) head to toe with worry evident in her eyes.

"Oh, um..." (y/n) smooths down her hair in an attempt to look more presentable. "Sorry, I didn't really put effort into my appearance today."

"That's not what I meant. Your eyes are like... You look dead inside. Did something happen with Jean?"

"Huh?" (y/n) was confused. "Oh... I don't know. Haven't talked to him since Friday."

"He didn't ask you to come back?" Marlo asks with a sigh. "God, you guys are so dumb..." He looked at (y/n) with an annoyed expression. "Just tell him you love him and get it over with."

"Don't listen to Marlo," Hitch clicks her tongue, giving Marlo side-eyes, who rolls his eyes in turn.

"He likes Mikasa," (y/n) murmurs. "I can't do shit."

"I'd say you should fake date Eren. It'll definitely do the trick." Hitch nods, hyper, as they arrive at their class.

As if on queue, Eren's hand slipped into her own as they entered the classroom. She would've pulled away but remembered Hitch's words.

When has Hitch ever given bad advice? Never!

"You okay?" Eren asks her, and (y/n) couldn't tell if he was genuinely concerned or not. Probably just an act, because Mikasa was at her desk, looking right at the pair.

"I'm fine," I respond, glancing at him. He wore his hair up in his usual messy bun, but an earring dangled from one of his ears today. "What about you?"

He shrugs. "As you can tell," he begins as (y/n) sits down at my desk. He slides onto her desk, legs dangling on either side of her. She looks up at him, as he leans back on his hands, looking down at (y/n). "Mikasa has been at the hospital with Jean," he shrugs. "Hurts... But I can't do shit."

(y/n) looks down at her lap, a pang of pain in her chest. Eren puts his hand on the girls head, ruffling her hair, causing her to look up again. "Don't worry, okay? We'll figure it out."

She lets out a breathy laugh. "Since when are you so nice?"

He removes his hand from her head and sighs. "Since... Always. We just never really talked. Remember, I literally made you a bento?"

"Jean literally ruined it," (y/n) lets out a breathy laugh at the memory.

"Yeah, that bitch is always ruining shit," Eren makes a sad face. "But I kinda miss him, to be honest. Not to sound gay or anything."

(y/n) raised a brow. "You having to say that makes me think you might just be gay."

"Oh, shut up." Eren pinches (y/n)'s cheek with her index finger and middle finger.

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