eight ⸝⸝ notes

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- September 10th, Monday.

The Japanese restaurant is decorated with hues of golden and deep blue

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The Japanese restaurant is decorated with hues of golden and deep blue. The lightings are dim and instantly make you relax. The restaurant had a good atmosphere, in (y/n)'s opinion, but Jean's constant slurping ruined everything.

She deadpans as her eyes land on the obnoxious man downing his noodles hungrily. Somehow, he didn't dirty himself or splash any soup anywhere despite how quickly he was eating.

(y/n) stired her noodles with her chopsticks before raising the noodles to her mouth and calmly eating them. Jean finished before her and ordered himself a drink, while (y/n) drank her room temperature water. She'd feel guilty if she spent more of Jean's money--for a second, she thought she'd pay for herself instead.

But when the waiter left the receipt at the table and Jean looked at (y/n) expectantly, all traces of guilt disappeared and instead she regretted not ordering the most expensive items on the menu.

"You said you'd pay," (y/n) whines, leaning back and stretching a bit. She turns to look at her phone. It was going to be midnight soon. Had they really spent that long doing nothing?

"I never agreed to that!" He bickers. "This is harassment, I'm reporting you." He says in a serious tone. But, then he snatches the receipt and glances at the bill. He puckers his lips and retrieves his wallet from his pocket.

(y/n) smiles triumphantly as Jean calls over a waitress and hands her the required money. She also paid close attention to how he handed her an extra 20 with a flirtatious wink. She could only look at him with disgust, inwardly cringing.

Somehow, he made the woman swoon anyway.

"Take notes, queer," Jean snickers once the waitress saunters away. He pockets his wallet before standing up. "Hurry up or I'm leaving you here..." He mumbles, walking past the scowling girl and flicking her on her forehead as he did.

She gets up and follows after him, pulling her sweater down a little at the odd stares she was recieving from customers. She hadn't realized she was still wearing her shorts and sweatshirt from after her shower and didn't even have the sense to change.

Outside, it was now pitch black, and (y/n) pulled the hem of her shirt down even more as she uncomfortably walked towards Jean where he awaited at his motorbike.

"Yo," she heard a raspy voice behind her. She whipped her head around and caught sight of a man as tall as Jean, but way older. He reeked of weed and had dark circles under his sunken eyes. "How much for a night?"

"Excuse me?" (y/n) asks in disbelief. The man looks her up and down and licks his cracked lips, causing the girl to cringe. "Fuck off."

"Hey, men don't like feisty women," the man takes a step forward.

(y/n) took a step back and almost jumped when she felt a hand on her lower back. Her body tensed and she froze up.

"Did you not hear what she said? Fuck off."

vexatious ⸝⸝ jean kirsteinWhere stories live. Discover now