twenty nine ⸝⸝ glass

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- October 31, Friday.
yall thought this shit was finished?
naww... i loved writing this chapter tho

Today was the first day Jean would come back to school, and also Halloween

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Today was the first day Jean would come back to school, and also Halloween. So (y/n) was extra excited. Jean had refused to go to school because he'd probably get asked a lot of questions, so he decided to stay at (y/n)'s dorm till everything calmed down.

During the past few days, (y/n) realized a lot. She used to think Jean was a messy person, but it's quite the opposite. He cleans up after himself whenever he has the opportunity to and the dorm's always clean with some sort of new recipe made each day she got home from school.

Mikasa wasn't really in the dorm anymore, and (y/n) noticed how she'd only come home to sleep. She was probably with Eren so she wasn't very worried.

Jean and (y/n) walked into school side-by-side, and they instantly got stares. (y/n) noticed right off the bat how people pointed at Jean and whispered amongst themselves. She glanced at him, he held a nervous smile on his face and she could tell he was uncomfortable.

"Jean, do you think Floch's having a party tonight?" (y/n) asks him in an attempt to distract him.

He turns to her in confusion, then his face lights up. "Oh, yeah, I got an invite last night. He's throwing some sort of Halloween party with lots of booze and drugs. I don't want to go."

(y/n) grimaced. She shouldn't have asked that. She felt as if the drugs and alcohol topic was still a sensitive thing to Jean as it could remind him of what happened, but he never seemed too bothered.

Then again, (y/n) could never figure out what was going on in Jean's head.

They got to class quietly, Jean took his usual seat behind (y/n). And she felt a sense of relief and familiarity. Everything was falling into place, like it used to be. (y/n) turned around to face Jean until the bell rang, since the both of them were early, thanks to (y/n).

Jean had his head down on his desk, buried in his arms. (y/n) lays her head on Jean's head, and he flinches a little before he raises his head and looks at her. She noticed how his pupils dilated, his cheeks and nose turned red and a small smile appeared on his lips.

And then it was as if an invisible string pulled them closer and closer to each other. Her hand slid down to the back of his neck, but he stayed as still as he could to not ruin the moment. Her heart beat so fast, her thoughts were racing and her breathing quickening.

"(y/n)!" Hitch's voice seemed to cut off the invisible string, making them both withdraw from each other and avoid eye contact. (y/n) turned to her best friend, smiling up at her from her chair. Hitch gave (y/n) a cheeky smirk as her gaze flickered between her and Jean knowingly.

"Just came over to tell you that you're coming to the party with me and Marlo," Hitch explains. "I'll be over to get ready with you at like... seven." Then, she turned around and waved goodbye as she exited the classroom.

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