four ⸝⸝ piercings

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- September 8th, Saturday.

Mikasa woke (y/n) up the next morning, saying they'll be late if they don't hurry

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Mikasa woke (y/n) up the next morning, saying they'll be late if they don't hurry. She helped (y/n) pack essentials, like sunscreen, a change of clothes and two towels. (y/n) didn't really feel comfortable in a swim suit, especially in front of so many people she didn't know, but she wore her two-piece swim suit that matched with Mikasa under her clothes anyway.

If she didn't feel comfortable, she would just continue wearing her shorts and tank top even in the water, though it probably would be a bit awkward for in her opinion.

Mikasa wore a crop top similar to the one she had on last night, along with short jeans that exposed her pale legs. Somehow, despite being in the sun, her skin never burned or tanned.

She suddenly felt a bit panicky over her decision to go with her friends and considered cancelling.

But she realized it was too late when Mikasa held her hand and led her out into the parking lot. The two best friends were the first there, Hange already waited at her van. They wore an oversized black t-shirt that hung just up to their mid-thighs, leaving their legs exposed.

"(y/n) chan!" Hange exclaims. (y/n) didn't quite know why, but Hange liked calling (y/n) all sorts of weird nicknames, (y/n) chan was probably the most normal one. "Levi and Erwin should be here any moment." They clicked their tongue and opened the door of the van. "It's pretty hot, I'll start the car and turn up the air conditioning."

Mikasa and (y/n) jumped into the van just as Sasha and Connie walked out of the boys' dorm building. Sasha skipped in front of Connie as he dragged a wagon with a cooler and picnic basket in it. (y/n) smiled at the pair, thinking they would be a good match for one another. No, you can't ship your friends, they're not anime characters, she mentally scolded herself as Hange helped Connie haul the cooler and basket into the trunk.

Sasha wore a crop top and jeans while Connie wore shorts and a simple red t-shirt. The two climbed into the backseats, cheering and laughing the whole time. The previous peace and quiet between Mikasa and (y/n) was now broken and the two best friends in the backseat conversed animatedly to one another about celebrity drama.

Soon, Erwin and Levi had arrived at the van, Erwin wore a tropical-style t-shirt and shorts while Levi wore jeans and a light blue button up, the three buttons at the top left undone. Erwin climbed into the front seat beside Hange since he's more muscular than everyone and according to Hange, Erwin had the best music taste so he should get shotgun.

Levi squeezed into the back with Connie and Sasha. Now Armin, Marco, Ymir, Historia, Annie, Bertolt, Reiner, Jean and Eren were left. (y/n) wondered how they'd fit.

"We could make Historia and Ymir sit in the trunk," Hange offered. "Annie could sit in Mikasa's lap and (y/n) could sit in Eren's or Armin's."

(y/n) instantly crinkled her nose in disgust at the thought of having to sit in a boy's lap. "No way, make Sasha sit in Connie's lap. Or Levi could sit in Erwin's."

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