twenty three ⸝⸝ wish

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So basically, last chapter, Jean OD'ed on coke and fentanyl. There will still be triggers in the chapters coming but nothing major.


- October 13th, Sunday.

He didn't wake up the next day

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He didn't wake up the next day. It only made (y/n) feel worse. She sat on a chair that she'd pulled up beside the stretcher, her head resting on the mattress. The night had felt like a fever dream to her.

But an extremely vivid nightmare at the same time.

She hadn't gotten a blink of sleep. (y/n) was thankful when the doctor walked in the next morning. He eyed the girl lazily, and then began poking and prodding at Jean's limp body.

She watched as the doctor opened Jean's eyes and inspected his pupils by shining a light into them.

He sighed, which (y/n) took as a bad sign.

"He's comatose, and his parents refused to pay the bills for him." He says. "I hate to say it but if you can't deposit $70 tonight we can't keep him here."

(y/n)'s heart sank. "D-don't worry, I'll get the money by tonight." She nods in understanding, though she had no idea how she'd get the money.

The doctor nods solemnly. "I'm extremely sorry," he says, bowing his head slightly. "I'll do whatever I can to keep him here, though."

She nods hesitantly and smiles at the doctor. He was being kind even if it was fake.

"I'm Doctor Tenma," he says with a small smile. "Pleased to meet you. Be sure to push that button—" he gestures to a small console by the stretcher with a red button. "—if your friend wakes up."

"Got you, I'm (y/n), by the way," (y/n) replies, forcing another smile. She wanted to break down and cry in someone's arms on the inside.

The dark haired doctor nods and leaves the room quietly, (y/n) instantly looked back at Jean. His eyes rested peacefully, his face a bit pale and his lips slightly purple. (y/n) couldn't help but recall the traumatic events from last night.

She swallowed thickly and put her head down again, a pounding ache had begun behind her eyes and at her temples and she didn't know how to calm it down.

Her leg bounced up and down, she couldn't stop herself from fidgeting either.

It seemed as if she couldn't do anything right as of lately. But she had to push that away and focus on the task at hand. She could easily withdraw $70 from her bank account but what about the rest of the bills? Where was she going to get the money from?

She sighs and looks up at Jean, who was still asleep to her disappointment.

Her phone had multiple texts and missed calls from friends and people she didn't even know. Word had probably gotten around and everyone wanted to know what was happening.

Suddenly, the door burst open and her two familiar friends walked in. "We came to the hospital as soon as we heard—" Hitch begins calmly. "We waited outside till visiting hours," her voice got more panicked. "W-what even happened, (y/n)!?" She exploded.

"Calm down," Marlo puts his hand on Hitch's shoulder and gives her a small smile, which seemed to instantly calm her. "Have a seat first, I'll go get us breakfast," he glanced at (y/n) comfortingly. "Don't worry, okay?"

(y/n) nods her head as Hitch pulls up a chair beside her and gazes at the heart monitor.

"He's comatose," (y/n) explains to her. "Overdosed on cocaine and fentanyl."

Hitch's brows shoot up in surprise, her mouth slightly agape. "I-I'm so sorry, girl," she says, genuine sadness in her voice as she reaches for (y/n)'s hand.

"His parents are refusing to pay his hospital bills too," (y/n) continues. "I thought I'd..." Her voice cracks—she knows she can't do it.

"Don't worry about that, he probably has insurance from the school, they'll pay," Hitch assures her friend. "He'll be up soon too, I'm sure of it."

"I don't know," (y/n) murmurs just as Marlo walks in, three coffees in his hand accompanied by three small paper bags.

Once the three had finished eating the stale cafeteria food, Hitch decided to call the school for Jean's insurance. They found out that he was indeed covered and they were in the process of taking care of it.

Another big weight had been lifted off of (y/n)'s shoulders thanks to her two dear friends, but the biggest one seemed to be glued to her muscles; unmoving.

A few hours and nurse visits later, Hitch and Marlo had gone home since visiting hours were over and only one person could stay with a patient. She watched Jean's eyelids twitch, his eyes moving rapidly beneath them.

For a second, she thought he would open his eyes and his hazel eyes would meet hers. But then the eye movement stopped and she frowned, slouching in her seat.

(y/n) began to think of holding his hand. His hand lay serene and alone by his side, fingers slightly curled and palm facing the ceiling.

She examined the intricate lines on his skin, the slender fingers he used to paint beautiful creations. She wished to see him awake and happy again.

Just another chance and she'd never let him out of his sight, never let him fall into that dark place again.

But from what the doctor said that night, she was positive her wish wouldn't come true for a long time.

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