twenty eight ⸝⸝ feeling

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- October 22, Tuesday.

(y/n) woke up to a significant amount of texts

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(y/n) woke up to a significant amount of texts. From Jean. She felt a little startled opening them, wondering what had happened this time. To her relief, it was just him spamming her with memes and saying he misses her. And apologies. Lots of apologies.

Despite feeling happy, she felt a little odd. This was very unlike him. 

At school, Eren waited for her at the door and held his arm out for her to take, bowing jokingly as if they were in the 40s. Mikasa was in class today, but the sight of the black haired girl irked (y/n). She didn't want to hate Mikasa. She knew she was a good person. 

(y/n) just couldn't wrap her head around why Mikasa was doing her dirty. Eren sat down in front of (y/n) on her desk again like he had the day before, and she had a feeling this was going to become their thing. 

She didn't mind it though, she kind of liked it. 

But she could practically feel Mikasa's glare shoot holes through the back of her head.

"Don't look. But she's looking right at us." Eren mumbles, keeping a toothy smile on his face. He displayed the white of his teeth as if he was a model. (y/n) noticed that he was attractive enough to be a model. 

"That must make you feel super happy," (y/n) said teasingly, and to her surprise, a slight blush arose on his face.

"Sh-shut up." He grumbles. If a boy like Eren gives that type of reaction then he must really like her. Which makes sense. Mikasa is perfect in (y/n)'s eyes.

But (y/n) kind of understands what she had for Mikasa now. She wanted to be Mikasa, rather than be with her.

Her thoughts wouldn't stop irritating her as she worked through the lesson. Near the end, she gave up and pulled out her phone under the desk, texting Jean. 


She got a response instantaneously. 

whats up?

bored in class :(

i knoww
it must be very annoying w out me

yeah it is

it's boring without you here too :(


is that hard to believe or something

kind of

im serious 
i get discharged tonight
can you pick me up

but what about your heart problem

they figured out the med that caused it
tenma got me a therapist 🤮

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