thirteen ⸝⸝ bedsheet

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- September 20th, Thursday.

The next week went by in a blur; it was mostly (y/n) waiting for Mikasa to return

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The next week went by in a blur; it was mostly (y/n) waiting for Mikasa to return. Her visits to Jean's dorm were becoming alarmingly frequent. But every time she went over, Jean would just be high and ramble to her about nonsensical things.

Although he did drop valuable information, which (y/n) thought would come in handy for blackmail. Now, she wasn't one to do that... But just in case.

She planned on visiting him today, but found Mikasa had come home. She stood in the dormroom, hanging on Eren's arm as she conversed with him lightly.

(y/n) gazed at the dark-haired girl, her eyes traveling up and down the latter's body. It's not that she was a pervert, she just yearned for Mikasa so much. It was sad.

And it was even sadder how she almost felt sympathy for Jean.

Mikasa turned to (y/n), and it almost seemed as if time had slowed, as their eyes met. Steely gray with affectionate (e/c) ones.

But, (y/n) didn't quite care that she was back. Instead, she turned away from Mikasa and headed to her room while pulling out her phone.

mikasas back

oh how is she?

idk didnt rlly talk to her



so stuck up jesus
anyways im omw to see hsr

no weed 2day?

no !

(y/n) felt a bit more disappointed than she'd anticipated after that interaction with Jean. But she didn't know whether to feel relieved that she didn't have to see that idiot, who only ever made fun of her, or sad because now she'd have nothing to do.

Why was she changing so drastically and rapidly? Why did she forgot how peaceful it was to be alone?

As she settled in her bathtub, water filled to the brim and bubbles foaming up in the slightest as the scent of lavender and vanilla blurred her senses.

Of course, she's depressed, but she really doesn't want to come to terms with that. Instead, she'll indulge her mind in other things till she can no longer do so.

So, there she was, all alone, breaking down and letting out small sobs into the palms of her wet hands.

With every shake of her body, small ripples were created in the bubbly water, and with each tear that fell down her cheeks, her heart only sank deeper into the ocean that is her depression.

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